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After the two gaslit mutants went away I sighed with my hands coming up to cover my face before I brought it down as Hinata spoke up, "Jake, they left behind ten thousand dollars." 

I stiffened and looked at the clasp of money that Storm had left behind and I saw as Hinata threw the clasp into a bowl filled with water in case there was any trackers on the silver clasp that the bills were all hundred denominations. 

A hundred, hundred-dollar bill's obviously equaled ten thousand dollars... And for a moment I wondered why Storm was running around with ten grand stuffed between those lovely chocolate tits and then it hit. In case the X-men broke our door, our car or anything else. They would have the cash to give us the money to fix anything they destroyed should anything happen.

"Hinata, look with your Byuakugan to see if their are any trackers or something in the bills themselves," I spoke and she blinked and did so.

Her eyes bulged as she called upon her chakra and she fanned the money out on the table to scan through them and I grimaced as she stilled and pulled out three of the hundred dollar bills. "The strips in these three are different from the rest if that helps?" I nodded and then without hesitation I threw the fucking bugged or different hundred dollar bills into the garbage disposal and ran it.

"Alright. This gives us a good bit of a getaway. Let me call my job and tell them a family emergency occured thats going to lead me across the country and we will get the hell out of dodge." I spoke as I took out my phone and then mentally groaned as I realized that this phone was obviously also ruined now with how it was tied to my identity in this world.

'Fucking mutant drama.' I mentally cursed as I went through the process of telling my boss that my parents in California died and that I needed to go across the country from the East coast here, to the West Coast in California to deal with selling their property and how I was going to live in a rental property had in the less populated much cheaper parts of California.

So with an alibi for why I was leaving beyond being outed as a mutant Hinata took out a scroll that made me blink as she blushed and said with some embarrassment. "I can't fight... And I may bring you trouble but I can still help you!" She said firmly as she rolled out the scroll and I recognized the scrawls on it as Fuinjutsu.

"I am a Hyuga so I never really got that deep into Fuinjutsu, but all ninja's have to learn how to make explosive notes and as the heiress of the Hyuga clan I was taught how to make and recognize sealing scrolls!"

She happily went about sealing all our meager possessions into the sealing scroll and I couldn't help but ask with a wry smile. "Soooo if we got you like a huge scroll, could you seal a small house away?" 

Hinata blinked at my question with her purple eyes scrunching up in thought before saying unsurely. "Uhmm in theory yes?"

My lips twitched as I looked at the scroll she was using was literally from fucking Chinatown and not some particularly valuable paper or anything at all. "Alright Hinata, you are amazing. But come on we gotta go." I said taking her hand into my own while throwing the backpack containing the seal which had all our furniture and non-perishable food within it onto my back.

After a moment of taking the money with my now free hand I put the backpack over my back. I paused and then gave it to Hinata and said frankly. "This is a good bit of money and if we get caught by security somewhere they can and will steal or confiscate it. Hide it in your bra please." 

There was a small bit of a flush that entered Hinata's cheeks but as she let go of my hand to take the money and use her other hand to open up her jacket... She didn't turn away from showing me as she unzipped her jacket and then pulled down her already low-cut shirt to stuff the now rubber band tied together wad of cash into the pockets of her breasts showing off a good bit of her pale flesh as she did so.

And then while not making eye contact she retook my hand into her own and whispered. "Lets go, we can take a taxi out of the city and then call a lift or something." 

I nodded and then after a moment of hesitation I groaned and then I tossed my phone across the room into the sink with us leaving our apartment behind.

Our 'escape' from NYC was utterly uneventful in all reality. I wasn't sure if I was being too paranoid in taking three different taxi's with Hinata to deposit us into separate parts of the outer city and changing our outer clothes while in the taxi and putting on different hats and such.

But after two hours I brought us to a bus stop that we could jump onto that would lead us to Boston as I thought. 'Spiderman and the rest of the rest the big-name superheroes aren't in Boston and it's not that far away should I need to return.' 

So we quickly bought some tickets for the four-hour ride to Boston Massachusetts and we got onto their with Hinata relaxing agaisnt me as we took our seats while I held our bag with the scroll in it below my feet. 


Back in NYC the door to Jake's apartment opened up and this time it was still telekinesis that was used to do the crime of breaking and entering. But instead of the red-haired hair of Jean Gray, a woman with long luscious blond hair and wearing tight-fitting white leather strode into the small apartment with little emotion in her eyes.

"He already left... A pity. A mutant who is immune to telepathy and has other powers could be valuable to our cause." The beautiful blond muttered and then she turned around and took in the five girls that stood in front of the door that were younger mirror matches for herself.

"Girls this is a good test for your training in finding someone who has obviously gone to ground." She said as she picked up the water-soaked phone and sniffed in disdain as she realized the young man hadn't destroyed the sim card and it was a more modern phone. So although it wouldn't turn on that didn't mean data couldn't be pulled out of it.

She negligently tossed the phone to one of her five clones in the Stepford Cuckoo's and she spoke. "They are obviously trying to hide... We just don't know why beyond the obvious and we don't know what connection they have with any other faction. But it's odd that they did know of Cerebro to begin with as thats not common knowledge." Emma Frost mused before one of the Cuckoo's spoke up.

"And the purple haired one. Hinata... What about her?" 

Emma's lips pursed before she said frankly. "Don't touch her mind... The girl is the definition of damaged goods and to telepaths like us their mental trauma is a weapon that can put us down as Jean so helpfully demonstrated." 

But she stilled and scoffed aloud and said. "Well well well... I thought that Magneto would be here next, not you." 

Once silent footsteps became heavy footfalls of boots on concrete as from just outside the door came the suit cloak-covered figure of a dark-skinned man wearing an eyepatch over one of his eyes. "I can't help but be curious Frost. Are you here as the toy of the Hellfire Club? Or are you here in your own right?"

The beautiful CEO of Frost Industries stared into the sole eye of the leader of SHIELD in Nick Fury and knowing she had no chance in hell in getting past his mental shielding she didn't even bother to try. Instead, she smiled sarcastically and tittered. "Oh and why are the federals popping in on a civilian's home? Little old Jake and Hinata haven't shown off any particularly powerful abilities or anything." 

And without a change in Fury's deadpan expression, he retorted flatly. "Exactly the same reason you are here I imagine. Most humans and mutants who actually look no different from the average human typically have more esoteric powers. To say nothing of the simple fact that Jake being immune to mind control and telepathy gives him a number of points in becoming a SHIELD agent that can deal with your ilk."

There was a moment of pregnant silence before Emma Frost's fake smile died and she stared coldly at Nick Fury and stated. "Good for you. Now move out of the way Fury." 

Nick Fury was standing directly in front of the door into the apartment and his position with his hands on his guns almost certainly was an intimidation tactic she could all but feel Fury's small amount of amusement at making the proud telepath need to ask him to move.

And Nick at getting the verbal and situational victory raised a small knowing smile as I stepped out of the way of the door and he spoke out as the clicks of his metal-tipped boots rang out. "Trying to hunt down someone who goes into hiding is going to make them snap on whoever finds them... Whoever does find him will let me know what he can actually do, so I am rooting for you to find him first haha." 

As Nick's footsteps disappeared Emma waved her hand making a loud cracking noise ring out as a finger-tipped-sized recodering bug that Fury dropped beneath a table as he walked in initially was crushed under her telekinetic might.

"Go... And don't jump Jake, he probably will be anxious of people hunting him down." Frost finished with a frown as she and her Cuckoo clones followed her out of the apartment.


Hmm is it time

Thanks for the great chapter.

Chichi son

"Hinata, look with your Byuakugan to see if their are any trackers or something in the bills themselves," I spoke and she blinked and did so. if there are