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We made our way towards Pewter City and thankfully it seemed that besides that river I diverted myself towards. Sabrina had actually teleported me fairly close to Pewter City.

So after another twenty minutes of walking on route 2 where the only Pokemon we saw was just some lower-level bug and grass-type Pokemon, the surroundings changed as we entered the more mountainous terrain near Pewter City and the thick forests of the Viridian Forrest thinned.

Finally as we crested over a large hill on the road we were walking on, I smiled seeing some buildings in the distance. "There is Pewter City." I spoke as I continued walking with Rose sitting on my shoulder.

[Worst Teacher- About damned time! You need to learn how to teleport like Sabrina can, or just use your psychic energy to make yourself fly at higher speeds.]

I shook my head and said with a small smile. "No Gojo, as much as teleporting would be more convenient. Taking my time to see the sights has its own value."

And it seemed someone else agreed with me as Yor said in the chat. [Thorn Princess- Spending some time in nature is good for the soul! There is no need to rush honestly, and the Pokemon are adorable as well.]

Just to mess with Gojo I paused and took in the beautiful surroundings. The lively forest surrounded me and in the distance were the snow-covered mountains of Mt Moon. "Alright!" I spoke out and then calling upon my psychic energy I began skating forward as the light purple energy of my psychic energy covered my shoes in a film that reduced all friction allowing me to skate over the smooth stone road.

"I may not be willing to fly even if I can... But I can speed up a bit." I said as I still took in my surroundings and I idly used the memories I had of my previous memory in roller skating to gently roll forward on the psychic construct I formed around my feet.

'Hmm this is a decent way to travel especially as it actually acts as more physcic training as I need to keep up the construct constantly along with healing any breaks in the construct after rolling over rocks and such.' I thought as I remembered the Air Gear anime and wondered if a character from there would join my stream.

Rose on the other hand loved my improvised method of travel as she made whooshing noises every time we rolled over a rock and the ride got a bit bumpy and the noises Rose made the girls in the stream coo at the adorable Pokemon but and we just kept traveling while I answered the chat about stuff about my plans and just generally talking with the people in my stream as there was only five of them after all.

"No Rias... I don't think you should try to reincarnate Godzilla as a knight. Wouldn't he be better as a Rook anyway?" I answered as we got into the horrible topic of 'versus' as Rias had long realized that I was proof of the multiverse and now she wanted waifus and other people of power to fill out her peerage and join her family.

[Princess of Ruination- No just think about it! Godzilla with a knight piece would be so much faster and if he got a huge speed increase that would make his bulk and already great strength even better!]

Thankfully though for my sanity we had reached Pewter city as Rias started going on about finding and selling the Dimension Lost Longinus to the system to earn some tickets to various parts of the multiverse.

"Alright... Time for me, to first of all hit up the Pokemon center to heal up the Vaporeon and Feebas." I spoke to myself as I began walking normally as I saw people walking around Pewter City.


After finding the Pokemon center I walked in and saw the beautiful pink-haired Nurse Joy's manning the front center I walked to one of them and held out the two Pokeballs containing the two along with Rose's Pokeball. "Hello, I would like to get these two new Pokemon I captured to be healed up, along with getting my friend here looked at real quick," I spoke with Rose looking at me with betrayal at how I put her on the table next to the two other poke balls.

"Ralts!" Rose said fiercely as she flexed and arm at me and with her psychic energy hitting my mind I could feel what her indignant shout clearly meant. "I don't need healing! I kicked their butts remember!?" 

The actually rather beautiful Nurse Joy smiled and said gently. "Aww don't worry little warrior. You did well but your partner just needs to make sure you are ready to train and do more later on. It would be really bad if you got sore or something in the middle of training right?" 

The Joy's words made Rose fold like a house of cards and she pouted as she poked her own Pokeballs button to get sucked into it leaving me to sag in relief. "Ufufu, she is a rambunctious one isn't she."

[Worst Teacher- Is it just me... Or all these nurses, clones or something?] But I ignored Gojo as the maternal tone in Nurse Joy was in my ears so I smiled and said wryly at remembering Rose blowing a poor fucking Caterpie to literal giblets of burnt flesh.

"Yeah... She is a spunky one, and I am a bit nervous at meeting the other two I captured." I spoke as I handed over my trainer license so she could scan it to make sure I was who I said I was and make sure the Pokemon I had weren't registered as stolen or something.

Joy nodded and said comfortingly. "Most new trainers are a bit nervous with their first battle captures but Pokeballs do a wonderful job of pacifying Pokemon and making them more amenable to sticking with humans. Especially as we make them stronger and provide them with more food then what they can typically gather or hunt." She finished off more confidently and those words made me nod as I smiled and asked.

"Alright thank you, Joy. Is there a room open for me to rent for the night? I plan to register for Brock's Gym battle in the next couple days." I asked and she nodded with her bringing out the form for a solo room to rent for a night here in the Pokemon center for me to fill out as a Chansey came and took my Pokemon away to be healed for the next few hours.



You have given Rias the weeb access to the multiverse😲

Goddess of Victory

He said five people on his stream. Is he including himself or did c.c. join? If so I can't wait to see her screen name, though I imagine it will be something like "immortal witch"


Later gets a Tyranitar in some way from Jake and it gets changed to be an actual Godzilla, or just rents the Tyranitar for a bit.