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With aura enhancing my body I was... A little braver in dealing with these zombies of all things. So with a silencer on both my AA12 shotgun and Mizuhara's Vector we began slowly picking off the crowd of zombies.

As oddly and creepily, the zombies unless we shot them or otherwise touched them. They were stun locked into looking directly in the the dark sun above our heads.

Nothing of note happened otherwise as we killed the like fifty student uniform-clad zombies and even though each zombie was only worth five credits... A good fifty of them added up really damn quickly, which basically already re-couped the cost of the enchanted magazines by half.

"Well... It's saying some higher tier valuables are inside the school." I spoke as I frowned looking out towards the school buildings and after a moment of thought, I pointed at what looked like a smaller detached gymnasium.

"Let's clear out that gym before we go into the main buildings," I spoke as I took in the four-story tall classroom buildings that had windows shining off the dark fake sun above our heads.

And I could feet it in my gut... Something bad was in there beyond just mindless zombies

Mizuhara gave a small grunt of agreement as she mounted her gun's strap over her shoulder so she didn't have to fully hold its weight anymore. And as we came closer to the gym Mizuhara asked quietly. "So do you know what cheat do you want to get... I am curious as to how many points we are going to need to save us."

I made a bit of a face before shaking my head and saying quietly as I kept watch of our surroundings as we came close to the gym. "Not sure honestly... Dragon Ball Ki has a lot of potential obviously in straight combat. But cultivation veins and a technique has both combat and force potential increase if I make pills, weapons and other things." 

Before Mizuhara could continue I raised up a hand and said. "Focus." I took a breath and then said firmly. "So when we enter doors I will check the sides and then push in with my shotgun. Your job is to watch the sides more as I come in to make sure nothing gets us in the back." 

I didn't have time to do full close-quarters training with Mizuhara, I just had to tell her that her firing lines were to our sides and that if something was in front of us... Don't fucking shoot it. If I was remotely in the way.

I pushed open the heavy metal gym doors and as the gym doors push door handle snapped to its open position I heard a loud groan from the door as the hinges on it were corroded. 

The gymnasium was brightly lit, both from the false sun above our heads peering in rays of dark orange light through windows in the vaulted roof of the gym. Along with the gym being lit up by bright strips of lights hanging from the rafters.

Taking in the surroundings beyond just the roof I quickly grimaced as even more zombies then what were outside turned towards us at hearing the noise of our entry and seeing them begin to power walk into a shambling jog towards us I quickly said. "To the the doors, we can use it to funnel the zombies." 

Mizuhara knowing what I meant hopped up and slapped a ring in the doors pipe thing at the top that allowed the door to open so that as it tried to close it hit the ring. Leaving the door stuck at almost closed, which meant that only one and a half-zombie could basically fit in the mostly closed door.

I hefted up my shotgun and Mizuhara likewise braced herself as we both knew in the back of our minds that trying to outrun the undead was a terrible idea with their damn near infinite stamina so we just readied ourselves for a slog.

The zombie crowd hit the door with a loud banging noise and as I saw the putrid rotting face of some poor bastard high schooler I opened fire with the enchanted slugs and shot alternating between shots blasting the heads of the zombies into a gory mess.

And Mizuhara joined in on the shooting but slowed down as she tapped my side and yelled out. "I will watch for anything that may hear!"

I couldn't hear her really but I got the gist of what she was saying between shots so I just nodded and for the next couple minutes as the zombies tried to force their way through the door I blew off their heads with an automatic shotgun that had 'infinite' ammo.

Until... We came across a bit of a problem. 

I stopped shooting as the stack of bodies in the door way was keeping more zombies from even atop the stack of bodies and after a moment as I considered my options I that instead of opening another door or something I just sent off my bracelet to suck away the zombie bodies to sell them allowing more zombies to come and continue the cycle.

After two more cycles of this... I was a thousand points richer and I couldn't help but mutter. "Is points really all that hard to get? I mean we got like fifteen hundred points in less than ten minutes." 

I heard Mizuhara growl at me and then through gritted teeth she said flatly. "Most people don't have infinite ammo. And we waifus almost always get our points from objects as running around carrying a single zombie corpses for possibly days for it to only be worth five points is impossible!"

'Oh yeah. Only higher tier waifus actually even have the Company Bracelets.' I mused before groaning as I couldn't feel my damned hands after shooting hundreds of shotgun rounds even with the AA12's amazing recoil system.

"Alright let's try to see if anything is in the gym besides a horde of monsters," I said as I checked my gun for any wear or tear near the barrel and thankfully not seeing any.



DBZ KI is always a good option and who says he can't have both.