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The Psychic Shroud Technique was one that focused the user's psychic energy around them like an invisible veil, and it's presence would passively block out other more passive aura-based techniques like curses and other things.

And after Sabrina taught me the technique she popped her neck and said. "Alright, so already my Kadabra and some of my other Pokemon have sent some criminals that were scoping out my gym to jail to cook for a bit... You got a good couple of techniques to protect yourself but I need you to be ready to leave."

I slowly nodded in understanding as I knew Sabrina had been forced to help me so I just bowed my head and said. "Thank you for teaching me these things Sabrina." To which she shook her head and said flatly.

"I have no idea why Team Galactic wants you, but you had best keep on your toes Jake." Sabrina advised me and then she took a breath and continued. "Now... I won't be just kicking you out Jake, as if you want I can teleport you anywhere you want in the Kanto region that's reasonable."

I blinked at hearing that and for a moment I considered my options with Rose looking up at me and saying 'Ralts!' firmly as though determined I could feel her own determination in making our own way but I shook my head.

After a moment of thought I finally made my decision as I knew that with my streamer quest/goal thing. I did need and want to do the gym battles so after a moment I asked. "Could you teleport us to the south of Pewter City in the Viridian Forrest, I wish to capture a couple of Pokemon there to fill out my team."

She raised an eyebrow at my request until she blinked in surprise and chuckled. "Hahaha, you are still trying to take the gym challenge, aren't you? Well, I won't deny you, and to be frank, once you get a few badges and have a full team only the executives of Team Galactic would be any threat to you."

I knew she was right as most criminal team's rank and file were beyond crap as their Pokemon a lot of the time didn't want to be their Pokemon. So they couldn't be used in battle effectively.

[Virgin Mindcontroller- Stepping into the limelight isn't a good idea at your level. Even if you have psychic powers.]
[Worst Teacher- Bah! The hell would you know, hiding your power and playing the pig to eat the tiger is the worst thing to watch honestly! Not entertaining at all!]
[Princess of Ruination- Wait does this mean we get to actually watch the journey from the start? Jake, are you going to go to different regions? I suppppeeerrr want you to get Ho-Ho so that you can send Ho-Ho here on a quest to beat up someone for me!]

My lips twitched reading the chat, especially reading Rias's desire for me to get a literal god Pokemon who time-locked Ash into being ten years old for more than two decades. 'I can't send Pokemon or anything else to people though?' I thought and then my system dinged happily.

[User is now incorrect. Due to realizing the user will have poor true engagement with viewers, we will allow the user to either very shortly and temporarily go to other worlds or you may loan Pokemon to viewers with the Pokemon being teleported back to you should they face great harm.]

[It is in the same vein as the User allowing viewers to visit or even choose to settle down in your world.] [Warning! The user is incapable of learning foreign energy systems for worlds, DXD, JJK, etc until at least 30 out of the 75 quests in Pokemon have been completed.]

With the chat not reacting I didn't think they saw the system message so I just refocused in on Sabrina who called out powerfully. "Alright, one trip to the Viridian forest then!"

And from around a corner I saw her Kadabra and Alakazam walk over to stand beside her while glowing with purple psychic energy. I then flared my own psychic energy and Sabrina smiled as my own energy helped fuel the teleport and for a brief moment as I held Rose in my arms... I saw a weird void of darkness and everpresent light as I was teleporting and then with a harsh crackling noise my vision was filled with the sight of trees and dense forestry surrounding me.


The sounds of the forest hit my ears and as I took in my surroundings and flared out my psychic energy I only sensed the little lifeforms of bugs that weren't actually Pokemon so I relaxed and after a moment I smiled and said. "Soooo Ai, you wanna be teleported here and have to deal with hoofing it for who knows how long and probably running into giant bug Pokemon... Imagine if a Spinarak falls on your head!"

[Idol of the Stars- Jake... I hope a Caterpie falls down your shirt! That is just evil to say to a young woman!]

I couldn't help a series of hearty chuckles as I quickly took out my Kanto map that I bought and after scanning it I made a humming noise and decided to go for one of the nearby rivers running through the forest that was to the north of me and closer to Pewter City.

As while I had Rose as a psychic/fairy type, I knew she could also use... A massive pool of TM and other types moves with her fairy nature so I was hoping to get a water or a grass type which should be more common around the river area.

We made our way through the dense forest with the canopy blocking a great deal of the sunlight above us but after a couple minutes of walking, we found our first Pokemon... A Kakuna who was just chilling while hanging from a lower branch.

Rose and I made eye contact and she held out a hand to me and said strongly. "Ralts! Ralts Ralts Ra-Ra-Ralts!" And I could mentally translate the little shits thoughts as she proudly demanded. "Use your psychic energy to make me fly and then throw me at the bug! I will burn it alive hahah!"

I patted Ralts firmly on her head making her squirm with joy as I exhaled with exasperation. "I should have had that Kadabra and Alakazam teach you psychic moves... You need to get over your obsession with Mystic Fire."

And she looked at me like I just said that the divine llama was actually a horse all along as she then firmly shook her head all but yelling out. "Ralts Ralts... Ralts!" Which translated roughly into. "Forsaking the lesser divine flames of Ho-Ho that was passed down to me... I would never! Even if you are my master and partner you cannot curse me with such a fate!"



Rats the little shit, very soon she'll be a giant shit when she's a gardevoir and Jake has to look up at her 14ft alpha height