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For the first time in literal months I was all but alone as I left the world of Danmachi. Eridani was in a world situation as she was just a wisp of a soul that was part of my cheat and I was honestly kinda iffy on how much of a real person she was. Especially when she could and would happily sleep for years on end in my soul.

Either way... Ever since I had arrived in the World of Danmachi, I have had friends and allies with me on every step of the way of my journey for the most part once I got closer to Bell and such. So I was rather nervous about going to the world of Runeterra.

Beyond the very rational fear that is, the fact that I was traveling in the void between universes and thus was in the most dangerous if not the safest place in non-reality due to it's eldritch and non-euclidian nature.

But thankfully the trip itself was... Normal, boring, and uneventful besides Eridani whispering the secrets of dimensional travel and the ways of walking between the eddies of worlds being born and dying endlessly in a cycle of renewal.

The world of Runeterra itself wasn't even that special upon landing within it either... One minute I was walking through a void filled with stars and the next I was exiting out of a cave with blindingly bright stars hanging above my head as I looked up into the foreign night sky.

"Yup, this is a new sky," I muttered as I was well used to the night sky of Danmachi as Seshat happily told me how the gods used the stars as a tapestry to weave stories for the mortals to try to sus out of their designs.

But in reality... A lot of petty gods made penis-shaped constellations.

Loki was most famous for the delightful constellation of her 'lover' in Svaðilfari who she then gave birth to Sleipnir after sleeping with that horse.

It was really easy to remember the constellations when the gods who were running around had their sordid pasts painted across the night sky. But either way beyond just looking into the sky I began taking in my actual surroundings as I flew into the air under the power of my wings.

'Now... Where in Runeterra am I?' I thought as I took in my surroundings. And of which I noticed the area I was in, was rather mountainous but also had deep forests as far as the eye could see.

And seeing as the forest wasn't fantasy Catachan with hungry plants and endless animals along with clearly not being a jungle at all. I knew that I likely wasn't in the jungle kingdom of Ixtal or the desert kingdom of Shurima.

So with that in mind, I kept marking down where I knew exactly where I literally wasn't in the world of Runeterra or League of Legends. So with this place not being some undead-tainted hell hole with ghostly shit everywhere I also knew this place wasn't the Shadow Isles nor was this Bilgewater as I couldn't feel the eldritch taint on the air.

The area was mountainous but not fuck off huge mountains that pierce through the very atmosphere and reach into outer space nor was it freezing cold so I knew this wasn't Mount Targon or the Freljord.

Taking all those very obvious options away only led me to a few options left... And so long as I wasn't in Noxus I was perfectly happy but either way, knowing that sticking around wouldn't do me any good I took out a Terraria Compass which actually still worked in this world and began heading to the west to find.

Although the tree's were in fact truly alien in having more color to them and having a thinner more willowly form to them, they were still normal trees as I felt only normal life force from them and not some form of twisted magic.

Flying across the landscape upon on my wings I kept going... And going... And going until my flying ended as I finally found what looked like a major river which I followed until I hit what looked like a small town built close to the river.

"Well... Shit, I landed Ionia I think." I muttered as I took in the very clearly asian style buildings and then I shrugged as I was fine here in Ionia as it certainly wasn't the heat of Shurima or the humidty of Ixtal so I was fine with this.

Knowing this world was well aware of magic I didn't attempt to hide myself as I landed a good ways away from the small town and I could see the simple folks looking at me in undisguised suspicion as they clearly wondered who the hell I was.

I made my way to an inn or whatever the equilvalent was and as I came in, the owner of the inn said rather bluntly. "You are lost aren't you?"

I coudn't help but raise an eyebrow at that and I nodded as it was true. "Yeah, got into some issues and I washed up here. Could you tell me what settlement this is and where I can purchase a map and some supplies?" I asked

The inn owner raised an eyebrow before shrugging and saying. "This town is called Kairos, in the Navori Province." He then turned and pointed towards the wall in his quiet and empty inn excpet for some older gentlemen eating some food. "Old Zhao down the road runs the towns general good store along with selling more specilized things for adventurers and pilgrims."

I took out a small silver coin and the man's eyes widened as I pushed it towards him with a shrug as I said. "Thank you for the information then, excuse me." I spoke as I turned around and headed out of the inn towards the store to get myself as map.

Going outside of the inn I stilled as I smelt something on the wind... A burning smell that made me tilt my head to the side in confusion as there very clearly wasn't any fires when I was flying around previously. But shrugging off those thoughts I continued on towards the General Good store.

But as I reached the store I heard it in the distance of the quiet subduded city. A scream in the distance, a scream that was abruptly silenced and hearing that my adventurer mind kicked into action as I saw the fires... No they were torches of flame running towards the town's two roads and through the dimlight of the torches light I frowned as I saw men and women in thick armor weilding large weapons running to obviously butcher the towns people with the bloodlust pouring through their every step.

'Noxians?' I thought as I drew a sword and then filling my lungs with air and reinforcing my body with magic I roared out. "Noxian raiders! Get in cover!"



Have absolutely no knowledge about lol so this should be interesting

Goddess of Victory

TFTC I know literally nothing about league so this will certainly be new to me