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Black Clover 24 Reaction Full

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Enver Doran

I dont get it do you release 4 or 2 episodes? Last week you release 4 episodes for black clover this week it is 2 for every anime except dungeon one. Can you please put a schrdule for these releases?


Just because wizards have the same attributes does not mean they always get the same spells no matter how strong they get. So I doubt Magna can ever get those fire type binding spells that the captain has.


usually it's 2 episodes but i believe that the 2 extra from last week was because he was a bit late on uploads and made sure to make up for it.

Jay Craig

I think if you go into it with this mindset you will never be happy. If you actually look, Darius has reacted to TEN episodes of Black Clover in the last 27 days. He hasn't done that many episodes for any other show. And he doesn't just react to Black Clover. And you're still complaining? Maybe this patreon deal isn't for you.

Enver Doran

Thanks James Zhao for clearing that up for me. And Jay Craig Just because i am New does not give you the right to tell me whether this patron is right for me or not, my friend. Dont be rude Just answer the questions if you can, and if you cant answer the questions how about not saying anything? If you looked at the questions i Just wanted to learn the rutine and asked for a schedule. I did not say DapperDarius does not do enough,obviously he does.

Zen Reacts

You phrased your question in a pretty rude way so you may want to look at how you're asking things before telling other people not to speak.