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Ask any questions regarding the comic Home, Patreon or art in general (:

Do not ask for story spoilers or questions regarding Asmundr, these questions will be skipped.

Commonly asked questions:

Q: What program and tablet do you use?
A: Photoshop CC and wacom intuos medium tablet.

Q: Will you someday make a hard copy of your comics?
A: Most likely no. I'm too much of a perfectionist and would want to remake the older pages before I put them on a permanent print.

Q: In what way is the story scripted?
A: I write in the style of "Discovery writing", I have plots, timeline and calendar scripted, the ending written, but I leave enough room for characters to go their own path, sometimes they choose something different from what I had originally planned.

Q: Is there a wiki for the comic?
A: Yes https://home-comic.wixsite.com/homewikia

Q: What will happen after Home is done?
A: More comics are planned, but no details will be given out just yet.

Q: Will (insert major character) ever be seen again?
A: Yes, I don't quit a main character all of the sudden for no reason, it just may take some time until we see them again.



Hannah P

I have a question regarding designs I have by you. I know I've seen it stated that the breed cannot be changed, but I wanted to know how strict that rule is. For example I have a Taiga Lioness that I'd like to incorporate into the same universe as my other lion/big cat characters. Is it okay to simply have her be a "lion" in this instance? I hope I've made sense.


If the character has one of my original fictional markings then I want the breed to be kept as it is (unless the marking is based of a real life animal) but you're allowed to edit the design to better fit the new universe.


Q&A closed