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Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-865-90097673




Gonna say it loudly - That last panel is beyond perfection, I absolutely LOVE and ADORE Ninmah so dang much OMG. I also love that 3rd panel, not sure what it is, maybe it's Ninmah's pose or the way you've drawn her, but she's so unbelievably regal it should almost be illegal LOL. I also love Ninmah and Avanti's relationship; what little we've seen thus far, they truly care for one another you can tell. I hope that Ninmah can get out of this hairy situation she's been thrown in, it's absolutely unfair she's stuck in that ship with no where to go for now. Hopefully; and I'm sure there will be eventually, a exit route for her to get out and live a more healthy life out where she can run with other's and be free and NOT a prisoner, I just hope its a positive exit, and not a well...you know, cuz lets be honest, that's what she is right now ( A prisoner) and it's so uncool. Lovely page as always but this one hit me hard in the feels, more so than any others thus far XD I also wanna point out, that I love that Ninmah is understanding of Jahla's choice to not be the new Matriarch, and that she doesn't desire leadership anymore, which is honestly her right to choose what she wants to do. I'm relieved though not surprised much, that Ninmah is accepting of that choice. Ninmah is legit my fave as of right now. She's just so amazing ugh. Can't wait to see where the story leads! But yay for Avanti joining Jahla even though, I fear and sense some drama in the making at some point due to it. Avanti deserves freedom and a good life too, and I know she'll prosper with jahla and Co.


I notice that her rabbits aren't with her either.. she's dispersing everything and everyone she cares about to keep them safe because she knows where this ends...