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Music- "Weapons of Vengeance" page 849+ https://youtu.be/FyKVeXFuuVQ
Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-854-87298141

Step aside boys




I love that lightning!


I really love how just basic equipment is made to be so fearsome in the story. Spiked armor is something that's in so many different kinds of medieval fantasies and yet here it seems so intimidating, same with swords


Amazing page! I love the cool lightning and little detail of the sword reflecting in Kargo’s eye- it’s also nice to see some Kargo and Ferah teamwork again! (and speaking of Kargo, his paint’s nearly washed away, if not completely!)


Liulfr/Akiulfr lightning? Is that a god?


Ferah!! I had a feeling it would be her saving the day, she was a good fighter before but grew even stronger lately! And i knew she'd step in, no way is she letting someone take kargo from her again, not on her watch. The gods seem to be watching and approving too with that lightning, she remains my favorite character. Let's hope this is it for the attack for now. Also: i have to say how incredibly dynamic and epic these past few pages have been, they feel so alive and moving, while still being so beautifully drawn, a true joy to read/see, HUGE kudos to kique for such incredible art!!


I knew the rain would wash away his paint eventually - that disguise was short lived, and the capital WILL be coming for him now.


Did anyone see him that would report him? ;o; We can hope he’s still safe from them

Tora Collita

What a page! I wonder if Ferah might be "blessed" by a new spirit?


That spirit had the form of a feline, this clearly looks like a canine. It even says on the wiki page that’s a “a striped feline with crepe colored glowy eyes”


You mean like the thunder in the last panel. *-* It Looks like a head.


This page is absolutely everything 🙌 wonderful job kiq

kique (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-07 17:30:38 thank you<3
2023-08-07 17:21:28 thank you<3

thank you<3


ohh noticed Kargos makeup came off!!


Yes! Go Ferah! Show that big brute no mercy! That’s awesome teamwork from her and Kargo too; I love it. On another note, with everyone speculating on the lightning forming what seems to be a wolf head in the sky, I wonder if it could actually be Serrandr, the Spirit of War that Fjordor mentioned in a previous page? He did say that he gifted him the swords, after all (plus, what’s going on right now is essentially a war, so it would likely get his attention, especially with one of his gifted weapons being used to kill enemies). Hmm…


Hey Kique, loving the page as always, so intense and Ferah 😍😍😍 soon I'll be gettingy very own puppy for the first time in my life (grew up with dogs, but since moving out, never had the opportunity to get a dog). I was just wondering if depending on the puppy and breed, I thought one of these names would suit the puppy, would that be fine to use?? As I do love how unique your names are on here for you characters and I know I'll see some of that character in the puppy, to name them after the character