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Music- "Weapons of Vengeance" page 849+ https://youtu.be/FyKVeXFuuVQ
Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/86349017

So it begins



Megan Johnson

Oh gods Kique, its too early for more heartbreak 😭😭


Omg just leave them alone! I hope! I PRAY that NG reports this to the capital, this CAN’T be legal ;O;


Not the little ones, please T_T


Don't you dare!! Or if you do make sure she isn't dead and doesn't die and no life time physical issues!!!!

Tora Collita

GO RAUN! HANG ON WILDLING! Now that is said, GOSH what a page! So stunning! The expressions are top notch. ^^


I stg if she falls and dies I'm going to start a riot


Oh god no… don’t tell me it’s the “curse of three”, all over again (referring to when Frea died, back in “Asmundr”, leaving only Rhov and Keirr). I don’t want to see anyone of Nordgarde or Whispervale die from this senseless attack, but especially not one of Ronja’s pups. Poor girl doesn’t deserve to go through that kind of heartbreak. :(


Someone better go grab this girl RIGHT NOW she better be okay! Also: RAUN!! Baby boy is here hell yeah!!


This reminds me of when Ferah fell off the cliff - strong vibes here


Yes! Raun My Man, that was a nice one! ♥ And Pls dont let Elvind die! DX I knew one of the Pups would end up on the Cliffside, just hang on there little one! Maybe uncle Fjordor is gonna get you! Oh and i have to say on the second panel on the down left corner the Black and White Dog, looks alot like Ranach... even the color on his hind toes and his Tail tip match XD


oh my god, oh mY GOD, OH MY GOD OHMYGOD


Wooooow, Wow wow.....this was quite the page. I am worried for the pup girl, it's like Ferah all over again D: But such a dynamic page though, you can legit feel the terror that she's feeling in that moment. Sadly her dying would add some major points to the plot; though not that I wish for such things, however. But I'm glad Raun was there to save Vigr - Seriously leave the best boy alone, he ain't done nothing, and he was unarmed. Seriously these raiders need to stop, and leave them be. They're doing what they were told to do, and that's relocating, leaving behind their old lands and starting anew - and even rebranded themselves. Meteor tribe is no more, but this? Like I have no words. Kudos to you though for thinking up such a incredible story that is able to suck all us in like this and feel feelings XD


Ferah, Fjodor, Inna - SOMEONE grab the kid p l e a s e


Would be cute if Aira was there and she'd be the one to save her. It'd be a good contrast as she caused Ferah's incident. And would display such a great character growth. ✨️


NOOOOO not the babies

Noxus Light

Man i thought that one dog in the second panel looked like ranach at first lol I hope we don't lose anyone.

Destanie Butler

Now I see no markings on any of the dogs, is this because they are traveling? I know Ronjas group wouldn’t have any tribe markings yet, but what about Fjordor or any of the whispervale dogs.


No paint on Fjordor since he was there to join Ronja's tribe, none on Whispervale to make it easier on me since I already have so much on my plate with these pages

Tora Collita

Can always say in canon to story, it's because they wanna melt in with their ally.