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Music- "Weapons of Vengeance" page 849+ https://youtu.be/FyKVeXFuuVQ
Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-850-86181151




I Fear a bit the Conversation after the Fight, because Fjordor Recognized Kargo right away AND Fraujars Shocked face says alot. But Maybe the Fight will help it and also i think they will understand it in there own way, when they explain it, i mean, how do you explain others that someone came back from the dead... its not easy. But for now, im looking foward to the Fight and still hope, no one gets killed from Nordgarde or Whispervale!


I hope that after the. Fight we have a discussion instead of a different kind of fight. Roamer, Rogio, VandI and Ferah are all critical individuals to involve as the major witnesses to the elements of the situation. vandI as she knew of the bear spirit, Roamer ad Ferah were front and center witnesses to his demise. Fajular likley first heard of Kargo from Isbel and first heard of his death from Ferah who's state when found was anything but fake. Rogio has to be there as the only witness to Kargo's revival. We have seen behaviorally that Kargo has significantly changed. the Kargo with the bear spirit probably would have crunched bearcheeks' spine instead of merely yeeting him and yelling leave.


Running the numbers for the fight. Nordegard non combatants in the chaotic mess are likley: Inna, Vandi( too busy caring and tending to other aspects of others safety in a crisis) Aljeka and Vigr(Shepard have paws are full with the novas and supplies and thing that could go wrong tere) the pups and Diarko are children still. That leaves 9 confirmed potential combatants among the allies facing 20. The they are fighting fromthe high ground and have reach weapons on a narrow path that hinders them as much as their allies. Against slightly over twice their number if they (statistically)significantly injure, maim or kill one each thats a 50% casualty rate for the attackers. Spears can also provide limited cover to sword and knife wielders. Enhancing the ability of close in fighters to deal more damage. Also it's interesting to note self injury with a sword is a little tricker then self injury with a knife as the swords guards prevent that though when accidental self injury occurs it is often much worse... they take more finesse to cut with than a knife but even a strike that connects but doesn't cut can still severely injure leaving deep bruises or fractures even through materials like heavily padded leather or cloth even wooden practice blades can do that without edges. Given combatants here all have some presumed training with bladed weapons they all understand the basics of the matter the balance is different though. It's possibly almost even. For a fight like this the attackers blew their biggest potential advantage surprise. If they had attacked at the base of the mountain they could have annihilated the remnants of meteor and the present allies