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Music- "Weapons of Vengeance" page 849+ https://youtu.be/FyKVeXFuuVQ
Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-849-85901695

The next few pages may take me a while, I've got about 40 armed dogs+novas gathered in one tight spot XD




I hope they fall off the cliffs >:(


Okay, these dogs really piss me off. I understand the Meteor Tribe has a very bad reputation, and rightfully so, but why can’t they understand that the Meteor Tribe as they know it NO LONGER EXISTS?! They’re essentially threatening to murder innocent females and puppies now, and that’s just wrong! Quite frankly, that just makes them no better than the former tribe that they so despise! Furthermore, where the hell were they when Ranach was in charge? Why do they just NOW decide to attack when an actual GOOD leader is in charge, for a change? You could say they were too afraid to attack, but I only buy that when Arenak was Jarl, since he ruled for a long time, and with an iron fist, and we can assume that the tribe was a lot more formidable back then (especially since Arenak was said to have frequently practiced dark magic, according to Kargo); and maybe they assumed the tribe was just as powerful with Ranach in charge, but even so… we can see that this is A LOT of dogs, here. I think they would’ve been more than a match for the Meteor Tribe when Ranach ruled it, so if they really hated the tribe that much, they could’ve formed their little alliance, and attacked them *then*. But nope, they wait and attack it when it’s weak and vulnerable, yet at the same time, no longer a threat to any of them, with the way the tribe has changed; and they should know that too, if they really have been scouting and spying on the tribe for MONTHS (which is pathetic, mind you; they must lead sad lives, if all they can focus on is the lives of others). Ugh, what a bunch of cowards. And what really makes me mad is the fact that Ronja is doing what they wanted; she’s moving the tribe away from their old territory, AND, not only that, she’s denounced their name, instead renaming it and starting anew. But none of that is good enough for these piece of shit mutts. All they care about is, “it still counts as Meteor territory” - except it DOESN’T, you idiots, because they’re moving to where ROGIO’S old tribe lived! They’re simply reclaiming a dead territory, and there’s nothing wrong with that, especially when one who actually lived in said dead territory says it’s okay! …Heh, sorry, I guess I went on a bit of a rant there. But this whole situation has had me frustrated for a while, and I finally had to say something. I really worry for Ronja’s tribe too. This is A LOT of dogs attacking them, and I can’t see any possible way for them to be able to fight them off, few as their numbers are. I do see Fraujar, though, so I’m hoping his whole tribe is there with him, giving them more of a chance of being able to defend themselves, but somehow I doubt that’s the case. I’m thinking, if anything, it’s just him, Ferah, and Keirr, helping Nordgarde move, and that’s not enough. That would mean it’s only Ronja, Roamer, Rogio, Kargo, Vigr, Fremja, Inna, Fjordor, Fraujar, Keirr, and Ferah; the others are still considered pups and a cub and I doubt any of them know how to fight much at all yet, despite being trained (we know Diarko has been, anyway; not sure about the girls). And correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t they facing at least 30+ dogs, all angry, armed, and ready to kill? I don’t like those odds, at all. That’s only 11 dogs against 30+ dogs, and I don’t think those fancy new swords are going to make *that* much of a difference (and Kargo no longer has the bear spirit possessing him, either, so he can’t simply go all super-overpowered beast mode and slaughter them all single-handedly, like he did when Ralek laid that ambush for Ferah. >.> ALSO, what pisses me off the most about all this is what Axi told Ronja, all those chapters ago: “if other tribes do attempt a raid, you and your females will have nothing to fear, as the attack won’t be aimed toward you”. So she lied then? Because obviously these piece of shit dogs are perfectly fine with attacking EVERYONE, not just the males.


The girls grew taller by the pages 😂 And I hope they won’t loose any dogs..


There was a 2 month timeskip at the start of this chapter (:


why are 20 dogs (two tribes) attacking a tribe that is known to have mostly females (half of which are pups) while there is less than a handful of males. This doesn't make any logical sense battle wise. Where is the honor in attacking a bunch of females and pups?? Diarko is not known about and Fjordor doesn't count since he just joined. These tribes have nothing to gain from this attack except bragging rights about attacking females and pups.