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(Psst, Jahla has been fancied up because I can psst, I used a shade from her Asmundr summer coat)




I'm happy fjordor joined them 🥺🩷


Wow jahla Is so beautiful 😍 That suits her really well. However, I am surprised by her ever-increasing red eyes Still, it suits her 🥰😍❤️


I'm curious how he's going to react to Kargo


Yes! I missed Jahla so much


FJORDOR YES!!! Ohh this is everything I wanted, I’m so glad we’ll get to see more of him!!


Time to update the Outlaw Map! >:D


Does she have a new design or is Jahla going through a seasonal coat change?


I have a feeling Ninmah wants to tell her how the Asmundr pack has been located.

Tora Collita

Yes! Fjordor is gonna join them! And Jahla, you poor thing. Hopefully Ninmah wasn't just all playing nice before. And I find it interesting Romé says Ninmah and not Matriarch XD

Jessy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-01 11:38:06 Yes! Fjordor hoins the Tribe, im so happy ♥
2023-07-01 06:45:39 Yes! Fjordor joins the Tribe, im so happy ♥

Yes! Fjordor joins the Tribe, im so happy ♥


Hmm… I have to say, I’m surprised to see that Rome refers to Ninmah by her actual name and not just “the Matriarch”, like everyone else knows her as (except Jahla, and the highest-ranking members of the Capital, of course)… I guess Jahla told him about her encounter with her, and who she really is…? I mean, obviously he already knows that Jahla is an ally of the Capital/the Matriarch, as that’s the whole reason she’s leading Havenreach, but as far as him knowing the Matriarch’s actual name, and that she is, in fact, a “wolf” and even Jahla’s grandmother… would she have told him *that* much? If she did, I’m not sure that was right of her to tell him all of that, considering I got the impression that Ninmah wanted her true identity to be a secret, and was trusting Jahla to keep that secret. I guess Jahla feels that she can trust Rome, with that kind of information, though... hopefully it doesn’t somehow backfire on her. *shrug* On another note, I’m so happy to see that Fjordor is going to join Nordgarde! ❤️ It does make me worry, though, what his reaction will be once he sees Kargo… hopefully he will be understanding, especially since Kargo has grown a lot, mentally, since he last saw him. Fjordor also seemed genuinely saddened to learn of Kargo’s death too, back when Ronja told him, so maybe learning of his resurrection will make him happy (after he gets over the inevitable shock and confusion, possibly even anger, of course lol).


Asmundr need to stop by Havenreach if they plan to vist Ronja and kierr in the north

Megan Johnson

Hmmm… thats going to make keeping Kargo a secret a little more difficult.