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Music: "Supernova" Page 836+ https://youtu.be/b5ZD6T_C1WA
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So excited to have more of their language in action o.o




I think, it's been a while but in the first comic, wasn't the demon dog thing that left meat for Lifa also green something? It's been a while lol


Im gonna say he is a green alien in hiding, maybe against the other greens, or a spy. And that the Rabisu are perhaps the true Aedra native canines.


iirc didn't someone (I think it was Kainan) say to Ranulfr that since his mark was blue, and not green it means he was created by Father? I'm staaaaarting to think that Marduk isn't really a sky god, at the same time it's hard to believe he ISN'T one since that convo with Raimo he had revealed that he shared responsibility for the survival of the Akiulfr; Marduk has some credibility, but the eyes are hella suspicious- why aren't they blue?

Megan Johnson

Looks like we’re about to learn who/what Marduk really is 👀👀

Tora Collita

Marduk's green pupils... I wonder...


I knew it! I knew they were after him and that something was up with Marduk! So maybe he got kicked out by the other Gods and not just "Left" as he said? And the Rabisu were send after him? Just a theory of mine. Also that he can use the Obelisk against threats is good, but even more SUS, im glad Kainan is ordering him to stop.

Jacqui Ball

They're demon dogs! Like Manegarm! And who really is Marduk, he's always looked like the Alien guards.


I get a very unsavoury feeling about Marduk. He mentioned he's always been jealous of "Father" - And with those green eyes, and the fact he's being hunted by these glowy bat dogs, makes me wonder if he's; like other's have speculated, one of those bad green aliens from the first comic; perhaps maybe even a leader of sorts? Who knows, but all I know is, I don't get good vibes from him, and never have. I've always suspected he's been up to something, due to how cryptic he's been since he's shown up. I'm excited for the next page, here's hoping we continue with this scene for a bit before it cuts to someone else, cuz I'ma riot LOL (Jk I won't but still) the need for the next page is really real.


Rooting for Marduk until the end! He my favorite.


I feel a sort of tangential connection between the gold inlay on the hoods of these guys, and the golden chain around Kainan's neck. Probably just coincidence, but.. yeah >.>


Perhaps they lived in that territory before Asmundr was moved there, and Marduk personally chased them out? With the language (is it the same one as Avanti?) and the thought-speak, could they possibly be Aedra natives, pushed out by the arrival of the dogs and cats thirty years ago? Can't wait for next page!


Marduk’s eyes glowing green has me convinced he’s one of the green aliens and Kainan is right, he’s keeping Father away. It makes me wonder if one of those rabizus are Father 👀

Megan Johnson

rereading both Home and Asmundr recently has made me realize something- that lone "sabered wolf" was never revealed to us....and that green glow looks very familiar to the powers that took the shield wolves from Father.......hmmmmmmm