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Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-830-81155085




I hate ranach's stupid smirk 🙄🙄


I can’t wait until Ranach gets what is coming for him


The way he truly delights in others pain? I hate him so much, i cannot even put it into words.


I'm gonna cut off Ranach's balls and feed them to him

Tora Collita

Okay, I love Ateus even more... Too bad it's all in Ranach's selfish plan. That damn smirk


Ranach, stop with the evil smile! I'm trying to enjoy the loving moment in panel 2!


Im still a bit confused...so Ateus thought leaving his wife and little kids to the mercy of the capital and chilling in the desert was a good idea? :/ I mean sometimes you have to suffer for your ideals and keep your family save, instead of leaving and letting your partner deal with everything alone. Ranach is an asshole but without him, Southspear wouldnt have done anything, so Ateus should have stayed with his family. On other notes, Im curious to see if Ranachs plan to take back MT/having his revenge is even his motive anymore. Maybe his goal is a bit bigger now...getting alliances/trust of others so IF they dethrone the capital, whoever is the boss then would maybe value Ranach, being the first spark and everything. I dont think he would be any kind of leader but still, an advisor, so he would basically be in power.


I love ranach as a character, so selfish and evil. Amazing bad guy