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Things are getting super exciting! I wonder what that last panels lion has to say and why is it running after them.

Mikayla Clunk

I wonder if that's one of Ateus' cubs running after him


I am pretty sure that's Bhima, Ateus' partner and Mio and Biwa's mom. Probably running toward Ateus to see him.


I am pretty sure that's Bhima, Ateus' partner and Mio and Biwa's mom.


I sooo hope Eopei is Not really joining them, that she will considere with her tribe first, technically she didnt agree to Ranach Terms, she still is thinking about it! And im interested to see what that lion in the last panel is going to do, seems like they run straight to Ateus, so maybe its one of his cubs or his Mate?


Ohhhh she going to get some love from her man! You get em girl 😌

Tora Collita

Ateus's mate coming after him? Also, smooth Ranach, smooth


I would have assumed that Bhima and Ateus' relationship was strained given that it seems he was either exiled from Shiverfall or chose to abandon his mate and cubs. But I'm curious to see this interaction!


I swear to god if she actually falls for this. Cmon girl you know this is a death wish. And it'll just make felines everywhere look untrustworthy in the dogs' eyes. You already said you're a minority species.


looks like Bhima?