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Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-828-80503996




I hate his handsome face!

Tora Collita

Damn his silver tongue... And i need a wallpaper of Eopei growling


I knew it...Ughhh Eopei no girl don't


Eopei doon’t….


Eopei, don't listen to him. I'd ask him who or what he wants to replace the capital with. If you do not have a better sytem or a better leader then the coup will not do shit for anyone but ranach, or southspear that will then take power, since THEY had the idea and lead the rebellion, and i am sure people realise that would make things worse not better. Who's to say that once the capitol is gone, thus all their rules are gone and racist dogs won't go after shiverfall without fearing the capitol protecting them. He is spinning a nice tale but i still hope *very* hard that eopei doesn't fall for him.


I have to wonder if there's significance in the black side of Ranach's face being what's visible during this speech...


Eopei pls, dont listen to him, i mean, yes he has a point, sending only three Hunters after Thieves, that robbed dozzens of Dogs, is suspicious, but still, she KNOWS Ranach, she knows who he is, and she knows some what how Meteors where, Before Ronja took over, so dont let him get into your Head and mess things up.

Sydney Robin

Seems like Kainan and his fam and Ranach are getting closer and closer

Megan Johnson

Ranach knows exactly how to use his words to win Eopei over!

CorruptAngel (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-19 07:51:19 Ah, Ranach and his manipulation tactics. Classic. Even if he does have a point, we all know that he doesn’t actually *care* about the discrimination that Shiverfall and other tribes face from Solar Stag; like Rogio said way back in the story, there’s always a selfish reason for everything Ranach does. Let’s just hope that Eopei doesn’t actually fall for his bullshit. >.>
2023-03-25 20:57:29 Ah, Ranach and his manipulation tactics. Classic. Even if he does have a point, we all know that he doesn’t actually *care* about the discrimination that Shiverfall and other tribes face from Solar Stag; like Rogio said way back in the story, there’s always a selfish reason for everything Ranach does. Let’s just hope that Eopei doesn’t actually fall for his bullshit. >.>

Ah, Ranach and his manipulation tactics. Classic. Even if he does have a point, we all know that he doesn’t actually *care* about the discrimination that Shiverfall and other tribes face from Solar Stag; like Rogio said way back in the story, there’s always a selfish reason for everything Ranach does. Let’s just hope that Eopei doesn’t actually fall for his bullshit. >.>