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It's difficult...to say the least. By now Rogio must have noticed that Roamer isn't coming to him for emotional support but to Kargo...and that Kargo clearly has still feelings for him. He also might remember the moment they broke up, another situation he happen to hear. It's clear there is still something between Roamer and Kargo. Listen, I never was a fan of Romio, it just felt onesided and sex forced to me. Not that Rogio is to blame for that as Ranach basically teached him this and Roamer himself is too inexperienced but still...I feel all of them are matured now and maybe Roamer x Kargo is in the cards again. Rogio doesnt look hurt or angry...he looks thoughtful and I feel with the new understanding between Kargo and him, the situation might be different.


Ethical non monogamy pls. 🥺💜


[soft chanting in the distance] poly ship, poly ship


I still prefer Roamer x Kargo

Samantha Leslie

I think they should be in a 3-way relationship and be happy. They are all good for eachother.


I honestly home Roamer and Kargo get back together. Their original breakup seemed so sudden.


I'm both excited and terrified to see how Rogio deals with this. He clearly cares for both of them--perhaps he approaches them separately and floats the idea of the 3 of them being something more?


I've always loved Kargo and Roamer, together. I'm happy to see them bonding like this


Adding to my first comment, I always felt like the breakup between Raomer and Kargo felt sudden. Roamer has grown so much since then and I feel like his breakup with Kargo was emotionally charged and he acted out of anger towards Kargo hiding Ronja's location. Both Kargo and Ferah did what they thought was best and Roamer leaving Kargo without considering that felt immature.


I used to not especially liked Kargo, but he become so different person and his fairness really impressing me now. In this situation he easily could seduce Roamer, since it's obvious that he still has feelings for Kargo, but Kargo choose back off, not wanting to ruin Roamer's relationship with Rogio. Personally I'm totally monogamous person and couldn't imagine poly relationship, but in this case it seems the best options for all of them. Roamer clearly has feelings for both, but I wonder if it's possible to Kargo and Rogio to develop feelings for each other and live together without jelousy.


I think it's possible. Kargo and Rogio go way back, he was the only friend Rogio had who wasn't afraid to call him out (and let's be real, friends like that are rare but the ones that help you the most). Plus when he was in the inbetween where he met Kargo again, nearly all the illusions he had when fighting his inner deamon were about Kargo. It's clear they ones were great friends (and are now again). Even if they don't fall for each other romantically, I do see them getting along just fine. Both of them went through so much history together, shit like that bounds. Also they do have chemistry (a lot more than Rogio has with Roamer, at least in my opinion) so who knows?

Sunny Daze

I’m on the poly ship, especially after what Rogio and Kargo went thru together.


I always say this but I love Roamer and Kargo so much. I always felt that their connection was strong and I have been rooting for them ever since the beginning. And it’s moments like these that show just how deep that bond between them is. How even though Roamer is with Rogio, in his heart, he can’t deny that he still feels for Kargo. I feel that the breakup between Kargo and Roamer was sudden,as someone else mentioned, it was emotionally charged, with Roamer acting out on his anger. But those emotions, that bond between them doesn’t just go away. And I think Rogio understands that. That said, I just want all my boys to be happy.