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Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-820-78967858




Omg i ADORE the golden lioness she's so so pretty! And that smile ❤️ it definitley looks like foreshadowing of her blessing feaf with becoming pregnant which ofc will be interesting since the father presumably would be Rhov, so what will the baby look like? Regardless, i'd be so happy for them if it turns out to be the case! I kind of hope they are wrong about Marduk and give him a chance to explain. Not sure about him and his intentions, i can see it going either way (him being evil or being good) as of right now, theres simply not enough to push me to lean towards either option. Kanian looks so epic in that last shot. Seeing him and Rhov side by side, kanian being battle hardened and wary of what is to come, ready to face whatever it may be, and Rhov still looking so young and almost scared, it truly reminds me that he has grown so much, but still has a ways to go until he is as wise and expirienced as his father. The contrast of this page is so well done too, the first half being cozy, warm (not just in vibes but colours used as well) and hopeful, the second being dark, cold and foreboding, the execution of showing that harsh contrast is just *chefs kiss*


Oh my God I knew it she’s pregnant!


i wanna believe she's blessing feaf with something else other than pregnancy... mainly cos... how sucky is it, the first time you have sex, you immediately get knocked up? and under impossible circumstances no less?! LOL + pregnancy is so on the nose and strange... not mad about it, but part of me hopes it's a misdirect for something else. it probably is a pregnancy tho, which begs the question. will it be something like a zilas situation, or... would it be something like the aki situation, where 2 different species (subspecies?) come together and form something entirely new... also, the golden lioness is beautiful. i was really hoping for a design like this<33 she looks so much more intimidating and maternal having this darker aesthetic than she would be having a perpetually gold/yellow one. good job kique!



Cynthia Stimpson

Can't wait to see what the children look like. Im just sad seeing Jhala and the Aki's being over shadowed. I'm really interested in seeing how it goes for them.


So it was the golden lioness.... but i have to say, im afraid, if the Akiulfr are already called Beasts, what will heppen when people see a Mix of a Lion and a Dog? :( Also what Kainan is telling us, makes alot of sence and i didnt think about that, Marduk could be behind it, that father cant reach them... Oo

Destanie Butler

Love this so much! So does roughly 63-65 days and we may see some new little bundles! Now question is if this is truely what has happened, how may the capital feel about this. So excited. Marduk what are you up to 🤔


Hmm… I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this, honestly. On the one hand, the idea of a feline/canine hybrid is intriguing, but at the same time… it just seems almost too, I don’t know… “out there”? But come to think of it, the majority of Aedra’s creatures already look like hybrids of different real life animals, so I guess a cat/dog hybrid wouldn’t look *too* out of place. Not to mention we already experienced Kargo coming back from the dead, so I guess you can’t get anymore “out there” than that. XD And this does make me wonder… I know Zahira and Raimo are old now, but at the same time, they no longer age in Aedra, and I wouldn’t say that they’re elderly, exactly, anyway… so would they, too, be able to get a visit from the Golden Lioness and receive a pregnancy through divine intervention? I mean, they lost Zilas so suddenly… and they didn’t even get to be a part of his burial. I think it would be a beautiful thing for them to be able to have another child to… well, not necessarily replace him, as that sounds cruel, but to… help heal the pain of losing their son? And imagine how amazing it would be for them to have a biological child (note, I am *not* trying to imply that Zilas is somehow lesser for being their adoptive son; he most certainly is not), a true mix of the two of them? Of course, I don’t actually expect this to happen, as the original “Asmundr” cast are very much secondary characters, as Kique has stated, himself, multiple times, and I respect that (and it makes me all the more happy to finally get some screen time with them, now), but I’m just saying, I think it’s a nice thought (and the Golden Lioness may not even visit a Zioqa like she would a Taiga Lion, but anyway..). :) As for Marduk, my thoughts are similar to Kainan’s, here, and I definitely think he had a premonition, and not an actual dream/nightmare, especially since he told Rhov that it really felt like he was awake when it happened. I also think it has to do with Marduk, and Father trying to tell Kainan something about him. In my opinion, there’s definitely something more to the alleged former Sky God-turned-canine and it’s not necessarily good. A thought I had is, what if Marduk is actually a Green One that took canine form, and has lied to Kainan about him being affiliated with Father and the Sky Gods in order to manipulate him and the others into trusting him? Sure, he seemed to arrive in one of Father’s blue ships (the Green Ones’ ships were green), but who’s to say there wasn’t a war between them back on Earth (as the beginning of the comic seemed to imply, and then even more-so later when Jahla speaks to Rohgir and he tells her that Father brought Argeirr to Origin Orion because it was no longer safe for him to be with him) and the Green Ones prevailed, therefore hijacking Father’s ships in order to impersonate him and the other Sky Gods? I mean, I kinda hope that’s not the case, even if it would certainly be interesting from a story standpoint, because part of me actually does like Marduk as a character, and I want to trust him and believe he only has good intentions, and is maybe just going about it wrong, unintentionally, but… I just can’t shake this feeling that there is something more sinister about him, and that the kindness he portrayed before was only a facade. Whatever the case, I’m definitely interested to see where this part of the story leads! I just hope it’s not something that leads to a terrible fate for our Asmundr heroes… they’ve been through so much, and they all deserve to reunite with their children and live a good life here on Aedra (because I think it’s pretty obvious by now that they won’t ever be going back to Earth, with the takeover of the humans there). As always, though, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!


I can help but be concerned with how they could react to her if she is pregnant. I mean if Rhov is the father then no one would believe it. Feaf might be blamed for cheating or something causing a whole mess.


Ahh! I kind of called it with a question I had before, but they had help!


Boom, bam, bop, pregnant


Is their territory covered with protective shiled that they are not afraid to roam in the night, when night beasts are here? The shield surely lets the outsiders come in, but does it also protects from the beast?


I refuse to believe this blessing is a pregnancy that feels too easy and frankly outta nowhere. They've only been a couple for like weeks right? And do we know if she even wanted kids? I can't remember if it was mentioned but imagine she actually didn't... Not much of a blessing imo.


No, they have the light from the obelisk protecting them for a certain distance (: It was explained when Asmundr pack was first introduced to Marduk


The same thing happend with Raela and Kainan... and look at them now


Just because it worked for one couple doesn't mean it will work for others. Not everyone wants to be a parent for various reasons. And idk I feel the "God intervention to have a hybrid baby" is kinda cheap. That's just me ig. I just hope it's a fake out for something more interesting. If it's just a "these people who just got into a relationship now have a magic god baby" then idk that's kinda eh for me. They don't feel like they've aged as a couple for such a big step so soon.