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I am literally SO happy to see the Asmundr pack again, I missed them so so much!! Marduk you better let them go be part of the tribe we see so much of, istg


I have been looking forward to Feaf meeting Zahira since we first saw Feaf. It’s everything I ever wanted 😭


Zahira happy and hopefully just makes me so happy


Also pretty bummed to see Marduk isn’t included as part of the pack.


Ok but why do I feel a little bad for Marduk, it seems like all he wants is to be a part of their world. I'm sure he's not that innocent and is probably gonna do sum stupid, but I do feel sort of bad the way they whisper behind his back and pick and choose when they want to listen to him and consider him a part of them.


I don't like how Marduk is staring at them in the final panel....... *grabs popcorn*


who keeps chooping oniens near me


Well to be fair, the other members of the Asmundr pack aren’t present around the fire, either (I don’t see Raimo, Zahira, Lifa, Rhion, Grayson, Niita, or Vilda, for instance), so it could be that all of them just didn’t want to be part of this night-time “meeting”, for whatever reason, and not that Marduk is deliberately being excluded from it, but I do agree that they could’ve actually introduced him to Rhov and Feaf, at least (unless they did so “off-screen”).


Nice to see some of the pack together again....but why is Murduk in the dark watching them...


Ive always loved Johaans design ❤️


Awww, seeing the hope and joy in Zahira’s eyes when she learns about the other felines is just so beautiful! I hope she’ll be able to meet with Feaf’s tribe soon. :) On another note, I absolutely love the idea of them all joining Ronja! I didn’t expect it, but it’s definitely a nice surprise. I think it really would be the best case scenario for all involved too; like Rhov said, her tribe can use the strength, and in addition to that, the entire family would finally be reunited (Keirr is right next door, in Whispervale, and Jahla isn’t too far off, herself). However, correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the whole point of the Sky Gods moving the Asmundr pack, in the first place, for them to act as ambassadors/protectors of the new dogs brought from Earth to Aedra (and for them to all be safe, away from the north, since at the time, the Meteor Tribe was a threat)? So something tells me that they won’t approve of them leaving, now, especially with how ominous Marduk is looking, in that last panel, as he listens to their conversation… seriously, I can almost hear the happy, uplifting music in the upper panels slowly fading to dark and foreboding, toward the end, as Marduk is shown watching them. It gives me a bad feeling…


I really hope we get to see Lifa visit her babies soon too. Imagine that reunion; especially Lifa and Argeirr. I don't think Lifa would ever leave Havenreach at that point. Piccolo and Folluin would be another fun meeting. I'm still not so sure about Marduk's intentions.. I don't know if he's going to be our overarching baddie or a good guy. It wouldn't surprise me to see him put up a force field to keep them *in* so we shall see I suppose.


Oh shiet! Rhov didn’t see Ronja’s pups! Omg I hope they get to visit soon! I wanna see Johaan’s face when he figures out he’s a grandpa😭


Yeah I agree with you, I just mean more like when he was blamed by Raimo for Zilas’ death and then whispered about by Kainan and Piccolo, he even blatantly stated he was jealous of Father and specifically gave up a lot of his power and his physical form to be closer to them. He seems to try and give them a lot of real advice that they disregard, but then turn around and take out their frustrations on him when he isn’t what they wanted him to be.


is marduk trying hide up there or was he just chilling there?


That’s true, though I couldn’t entirely blame Raimo, in that moment… he was a grieving father, and lashing out at who he felt was to blame, at that time. People rarely act rational in times of grief and anger, after all. And honestly, I’m not entirely sure how to feel about Marduk, myself. On one hand, I see him like you do, as having good intentions and just wanting to be a part of the dogs’ life and be close to them, like Father is/was, but on the other hand… he seems very suspicious, to me. Like his kindness is only a facade, and that he actually has ulterior motives that are more… sinister. I guess we’ll see, though. At any rate, he is certainly an interesting character, and I’m looking forward to seeing where this part of the storyline goes. ^^