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Are we ready for an Asmundr reunion?

page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-816-78320235




I am so ready for a reunion, but my tears won't be ready at all for the feels XD lol

Tora Collita

They're official! And awesome Nubia! Love you more and more and more


I appreciate he still put her and her needs before visiting his family 🥹


I am SO ready for this reunion, zahira will be so happy to learn about another species of Cats that she could visit! As well as of course, them finally knowing where all their pups are, as well as being potentially able to go visit! Same with Ronja having her pups, Jahla having her own tribe, omg imagine her mom visiting and seeing her other baby boy is there too, they'd be so so happy! I am so excited to see the asmundr crew again, i miss them dearly!!


I don't quite recall: Did keirr tell Rhov about putting Zilas to rest and freeing his soul? It would be so sweet to have Raimo and Zahira know their son is at peace and not suffering as a ghoul, even if it is just a small comfort in all the grief of having lost him.


Hopefully Ranach and Southspear gang don’t run into Nubia on her travels to Shiverfall since they’re all headed there ): They also juuust saw her not too long ago and have reason to attack. We need her to get there safely bc we love her of course, but also because she needs to get that news to Eopei


Yes! I’m so ready for the Asmundr reunion, the next page can’t come soon enough (providing we don’t experience another scene change, first)! And I can only hope that Ronja, Keirr, Roamer, and Jahla will be able to reunite with them too, sometime soon… especially since Johann needs to meet his grand-pups!


Oh please please let us have a family reunion of Lifa go visit Jahla and Argeirr. I could almost see her wanting to stay in Havenreach. Meteor and Havenreach are about to get two more allys :D


this is going suspiciously smoothly which tells me that we are about to get hurt so very, very badly


with axi kicked out of the guild, methinks that she already told the capital about the forngrym. something tells me it's gonna be a race against time for shiverfall to claim them before the capital does... because if there's one thing I'm sure of, the extraction for the two is NOT going to be a smooth job at all. the capital knows everything... they'll catch wind of their existence soon enough. not only that, but whats stopping them from possibly going up north and killing off the rest of the pride? they aren't gonna pull any punches and it makes me worried for everyone involved :/


Feaf's face on the second to last pannel is SO cute ♥️