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Big Mama Nubia <3

Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-815-78141890




Omg I’m so happy! Rhov finally knows his family is alive and Feaf gets to see her mama^^


Awww good to see Feaf seeing her momma &lt;33


Oh no, even more reason for shiverfall to go along with Southspear but also, I dont think the capital has upset/hurt Shiverfall enough yet for them to go to war against them... I could be wrong, I just hope nothing happens to the sabercats (can't remember they're names or breed atm, I know its F something) as they've had a hard enough life, and they've just managed to escape to a greater one with possibly the meteros/asmundr/whispervale, depending where they would feel comfortable/ safest... Can't wait for the reunion of Rhov and the others!! It would be cool if Rhov could take a couple of them, like Ronjas dad, and Zilas adoptive mumma (also can't remember her name atm) and roamers parents to show them everyone and how they're doing, and maybe swap over after the long journey, so everyone could take turns seeing everyone, as some of them Ronja, Jahla won't be able to leave the tribe straight away... I hope Zilas mumma, could possibly help the saber cats I the future... I hope Sorry for the long comment and forgetting everyone's names 😅


oh gosh, if that group from Southspear is going to Shiverfall, and so is Nubia........*grabs more popcorn*


Oh damn!!! I did not think about that!! Everything else with Rhov and theories kinda took over 🙊🍿


Im glad Lahmia wont tell anyone, BUT i fear that she could use that information about Asmundr against Rhov... i just hope she really is not the one doing all the shady work in the Capital. Also Nubia really looks Tired! Poor thing, i really have a bad feeling about it, that she goes Home and Ranach and the Others are on the Way to there Tribe, yes they all head Masks on there faces so maybe she wont recognize them at first glance, but she knows there smell and generally how they look, so i think Nubia will somehow someday recognize the Southspear group, maybe even as soon as they Mentoin they are from Southspear.


I love that feline greeting. It's beautiful.


Hm if Southspear is heading towards Shiverfall, that’s to the northeast of them… Asmundr is also to the Northeast. I wonder if they’d end up cutting right through their territory..


Oooh! Yes! This is what I’ve been waiting for! Rhov finally knows of his family’s where-abouts! So maybe we’ll get the long-awaited reunion between the whole Asmundr family, soon enough! I can only hope! The new characters are great, but I really miss the old characters, and Ronja, Jahla, Keirr, and Roamer all deserve to know that their family is still alive and well, and perhaps even get the opportunity to visit them, after all this time. I’m so happy with this development. I’m really liking Lahmina now, for how kind and helpful she is with Rhov, even despite the fact that he lied to them and broke the rules. I feel like this really contrasts well with Axi, who is such a stickler for the rules, no matter what, and only cares that Rhov lied, and not the reason *why*. On another note, seeing Feaf and Nubia together is adorable. It’s clear they have a strong mother/daughter bond, and I love to see it, especially the affectionate head-butt between them that is so beautifully feline. &lt;3 And now learning that Nubia is heading back to Shiverfall, and that’s where Ranach and the gang are also heading… I have a feeling we’re gonna get into some more drama, very soon. As surely Nubia will recognize Iberon and Ranach as being the ones that she and her bounty hunters attempted to kill. Speaking of which, since she mentions that the Capital specifically sent only three of them to attack Southspear, knowing they’d be out-numbered… it kinda feels like they were trying to deliberately get them killed. Which makes me think even more that there is some corruption in the Capital going on. Maybe they’re not all necessarily bad (Lahmina seems good, so far, and so does Nubia… and the Matriarch, herself, though we still know little about her, only strikes me as kind, caring and helpful, so far, based on her interactions with Jahla), but I think there may be certain members that are. =/

Tora Collita

Who getting to know about his family! And Nubia is joining them to Shiverfall? Love it! Now this is getting interesting. Also, panel 6 of Nubia and Feaf headbutting as wallpaper, please? ^^


This truly is a happy reunion for both Rhov and Feaf. Nubia is very tired and I feel sorry for her. She must take a rest first before traveling back to Shiverfall Tribe. I am also proud of our greatest friend Kainan for keeping his status quo of his family being a pack instead of a tribe. He knows a little bit of the world they are in, but he is staying sharp and aware of the locals. Be careful Asmundr because we are not sure what Solar Stag Tribe has in store for ya. And this goes for the same to Rhov and Feaf.


Oh, I hope they go to Asmundr instead and Rhov can introduce his family to Feaf 💚