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Karma for Axi zD

Tora Collita

Without stopping to rest, nor visit Midnightgarde then, wow. Yea, good she's not a leader anymore


😂😂😂 Deserves her right!!! Bet her pride is wounded "I must beat them, as Rhov has been very sneaky, lying blah, blah,blah. The rest of the guild will be fine without stopping on this very long journey... I must get to the capital first, I must speak to them first, this is the right thing to do even though it stabs my friend in the back even more" Part of me liked her when she first met Ronja and how nice she was to her... but it's hard after the last few encounters..


Sorry, this comment isn’t really related to the page itself, but I’ve been wondering, was Rhovanion’s name changed to just be Rhov? I always thought Rhov was just a nickname… but now it seems that everyone calls him “Rhov”, even the ones who barely know him, like Lahmina, here… plus I couldn’t help but notice that his character sheet on the wiki was edited to just say “Rhov” and not Rhovanion, like it used to be… I don’t really care, either way, since it doesn’t really matter, in terms of the story, but I’ve just been curious about it. ^^;


It's just for my own comfort, I realized later on into the comic that the name Rhovanion is from Tolkien's world, and so shortened it to Rhov to avoid stepping on any toes XD


Serves you right, Axi! And oh! Will lahmina tell Rhov about the asmundr pack finally?? And now that they are headed to Shiverfall, i cannot recall: did Rhov ever meet Ranach? Does he know what he looks like/his name? Because if so, them running into each other (Shiverfall being both their destinations) is going to be VERY interesting. Also if Rhov sees Iberon, will he perhaps say something about Rogio? So many possibilities! I'm excited for whats to come, as always!


... ok so, hot take here but maybe Axi will run into our two faced butthole and mention Rogio being alive and throw that whole dynamic into the blender for us for extra drama

Noxus Light

damn, kinda want to see her reaction to being fired


Well. That’s a satisfying outcome! … for the moment, anyway. I’m sure it’ll go sideways soon


She was probably filed with adrenaline and hate that it kept her going.


Omg is she gonna tell Rhov she found his dad???


I have a feeling that them missing the chance to talk to Lahmina here might have been a bad thing, I'm not sure. Curious to see what she addresses on the next page! I also am curious if the Solar Stag Baron, Faekas? is the one causing trouble in Solar Stag.


I knew it. Axilyah (Axi) should've allowed Feaf and Rov to continue traveling with her on their continuous journey instead lashing out in a angry way then firing them both. Also deserting the other members of her group is highly unacceptable. Speaking of other guild members, I wonder what become of Banco, the small Vildmarkens Terrier and the other silent type King's Hall Hound? Did they resigned too or are they still working for the capital as guild members? I am not sure, but hopefully we will find out. I also wonder if there is a punishment for a leader who ditched his or her members? Of course Axi got fired, but is there more punishment than only getting the pink slip? Watch out Rhov because you are about to be notified about your family's whereabouts.


Oooh! Okay then, that makes sense, and I don’t blame you, in that case. I actually didn’t know that because I haven’t even read any of Tolkien’s works (I know, crazy, huh?) XD Thanks for the explanation! In any case, though, I believe one can’t actually copyright a name… and surely “Rhovanion” was used in other instances, outside of Tolkien’s works? For those reasons, I doubt you could get in trouble for using it, but if you personally prefer the shortened version of “Rhov”, despite this, that’s understandable. :)


Makes me wonder if Axi will join Ranach as revenge and use all her knowledge on the other tribes by spilling the beans on who is very likely to join them.


“Rhovanion” is an elvish translation for a location, not used as an actual name in Tolkien's stories. I'm unsure about this particular word, but Tolkien was known for making up a lot of the words and names used in his stories. imo I understand wanting to move away from anything Tolkien related just to be on the safe side!


Oh okay, thanks for clearing that up. I agree, but like I said, I’m pretty sure that it could still be used as a character name and likely not face any repercussions… it’s not like Kique’s stories are even remotely similar to Tolkien’s, anyway (if they were, then yeah, I definitely wouldn’t use the name). But, to be on the safe side, probably best to steer away from it, like you said. Actually, now that I google it, it’s not coming up with any results other than Tolkien’s works, so it likely was something he completely made up, and therefore, I now lean more toward the opinion that it was good to change it. But if that’s the case, it might be a good idea for Kique to go back and edit all the old pages that included Rhov’s former full name too (last I checked, the early chapters of “Home” still had him referred to as such, as well as in “Asmundr”, though that one is not as largely viewed online, so it may not matter as much to change it). :)