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I knew Ateus would join skfkskdk


I'm eagerly awaiting the day karma catches up to Ranach (preferably in a brutal fashion).


Ranach, hun, you just described yourself...

Tora Collita

Need wallpaper of last panel! And way to go Ateus for that suggestion. Things sure gonna be more interesting now!

Michelle Koenders

Please tell me that Ranach gets his ass properly kicked?


I was hoping Iberon may be able to get through to Ranach... ☹️


Shiverfal?!?!? *grabs all the popcorn in anticipation*


Suddenly, looking at all of them setting out and Iberon lagging behind, I have this feeling that somehow, before they make it back to the Meteors, he’s going to die. Hypothesis that he turns into a ghoul and makes good on his promise to kill Ranach, though 🥲


Hmm this could be interesting.. I suspect Flamegarde may jump at this chance to get back at the capital. I really hope Shiverfall allies with Meteor before Southspear gets there..


I'm unsure why Ranach would want to start a war. I don't understand what he gains from it. I thought he was at Southspear to get more allies to attack Meteor Tribe.


Imagine Rhov and Feaf arriving at the same time at Shiverfall as them


We don't really know what will occur, but I do believe that Ranch and his followers will not earn Viscountess Eopei trust due to Southspear Tribe's reputation. The reason of this is because she wants to make sure that every lions in Shiverfall and those who lives in other tribes are trustworthy citizens and not seen continuously as killers throughout the canines' eyes. Eopei is a peace loving leader who believes that kindest and being trustworthy can go a long way. I knew that Atues has connections in the tribe because he has a mate and two cubs. Moreover he cares about his entire species who are being treated unfairly by the capitol and negative racial ways from other canines who hates felines. Others like him my side; and who knows, both the Baronesses will persuade Viscountess Eopei to secretly, yet temporally ally with Southspear tribe if they have proof that the capitol is doing something terrible behind all felines back.


I feel that was Ranachs last chance for happiness. If he would stay, even with the looming doom of bounty hunters, he could have with Iberon what he didnt get with Rogio because of his own doing. Obviously he dont deserve it anyway (and neither does Iberon who deserves someone that actually likes *him*, not him looking like his brother) but still its interesting. Ranach still has the wrong goals in his head and Iberons words couldnt be more true.