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Okay ranach... I don't know how I feel bad but I do..


How old are they? Ranach and Rogio? In the Page?


nahhhhh nah nah i dont feel bad. shit he went thru was horrible and his father was an unbelievably abusive and horrible cunt and I get that, its what made him into who he is, but it's not an excuse to maim and abuse others emotionally and physically. he literally had a demon go around maiming the tribe one by one LOL ur gonna tell me to have sympathy for the one who killed FUSS? NAWH. he had multiple chances to redeem himself (i.e the entire time ronja rose to power in MT) and heal and chose to self-destruct instead because of his OWN actions 🤷‍♀️ so no. no sympathy here. he's a manipulative abuser. even with the dogs who bring out the "better" in him he still chooses to abuse them and LITERALLY had one 'killed' :) if there's anyone I feel bad for here it's iberon, but something tells me he's sharp and knows what ranach is doing, but doesn't care because this is his 'punishment.' he's going thru the cycle. went through it with rogio and he will do the same shit he did to rogio to iberon if he lets his guard down too much.


Sad it happened but doesn't excuse his actions. Don't feel bad. He could've killed his father and made things for the better and change himself but chose to still be a manipulative piece of shit and 'killed' the one person that still believed there was goodness in him cuz "weakness". He ain't changing for shit. He ain't getting no pity points, fuck this guy.


Now what happened to Ranach was horrible, but it still doesn't win him any pity points from us readers. Clearly, he's trying to win pity points from his new lover Iberon, and it seems to be working. As much as I love to hate him (and I'm sure that everyone else loves to do this as well) I'm very curious about how this relationship will continue


Honestly i know some people may think the abuse made him who he was, however, I think it didn't. I think he was kinda born that way and it just triggered that in him. Because someone else who suffered through the same abuse may have become even kinder through that, similar to rogio. I cannot ever feel bad for him, he CHOSE to do what he did, even after being rid of his father, he CHOSE to continue the abuse and to not kill his father earlier even if he could have, and honestly, he had every chance to make things better after his father was gone. Did the abuse make it worse? Probably. Did it cause him to become without empathy, a true psychopath who delights in the pain of others? I personally do not think so. I think he always had an issue with empathy, only being egotistical in his needs. If he were a good person he'd have taken a stand and killed his father, overthrown the system going on and made it a better world for MT, letting females into the tribe for real, giving them the freedom they deserve, and having lived ever after with rogio as his lover and baron by his side. But NO, he had to go full psycho and kill him and then be oh so sad about it and want him back after all, he didn't regret killing Rogio for Rogios sake, it was because RANACH himself was sad about it. Only because of that did he regret it, when it caused any uncomfort for HIM. UGH i hate him so much. Do i feel bad for the person he could have been in a different world in different circumstances? Sort of. But this version? I still want him to suffer immensly and die a painful death. That is all he deserves, and nothing he ever does can redeem him in my eyes. He is a manipulative abuser who tells the story the way it benefits him best, disregarding the way it actually went. He could have called it a day and left MT after being thrown out. He had nothing but his unborn pups holding him there, his lover was dead from what he knew, and he knew the tribe would NEVER accept him back. They'd have rather died than gone back to the way things were. He's not dumb, he KNEW that, and yet he stayed and wanted to cause as much pain and destruction and death as he could. You cannot convince me he really thought he'd win that fight, he's intelligent. All he wanted was to spread suffering. Burning down the wall, leaving MT exposed and weak, INCLUDING said unborn pups. Having Zilas killed. Killing Fúss, killing Jonna, killing KARGO. He broke Ferah, she nearly died of the grief. He broke Rogio, he nearly died of the Ghoul (which i just noticed is so ironic, since that is how they got Kargo back, if he hadn't done this to Rogio, Kargo, someone he truly fears and hates, would have never been brought back) he created inside him. He broke Roamer, he now has a rage and trauma inside him it will take a lifetime to undo, if he even can. He robbed Raimo and Zahira of their present from the gods, robbed Keirr and Rhov of their brother in every way that counted. He made Akleja grow up without her Father, robbed his own MOTHER Vandi of the happy life she more than deserved with the male she chose and loved so dearly. He robbed Jonna of the life she fought so hard to make her own finally. He caused such intense and soul crushing horrible grief and suffering, that is much worse than physical pain (which he obviously also caused) and THAT is why i will never ever feel a shred of kindness towards him. All i have is sweltering, true and unending hatred and rage towards ranchie boy.


Do i feel sorry for him in this page? Yup. Do i still think he is a rat bastard? Yup.


So, obviously, none of this excuses his actions, but I feel like anyone saying “he could have just killed his father and changed everything”… Well, no. He couldn’t. As much as his father was hated by the females and some of the males who felt that what he was doing was wrong, he also had a lot of supporters, enough so the ones who opposed him (aside from the females who had already been so beaten down and broken from abuse that they had no real hope of freedom) were very much a minority. His father’s supporters wouldn’t have peacefully changed their ways under his rule any more so than they did for Ronja. They probably would have killed him if he’d tried, and if he’d failed to kill his father? I imagine that death would be preferable to whatever torture he would have experienced. I’m not excusing what he’s done or saying he was ever a good “person” at heart. He wasn’t. He isn’t. But he also experienced a lot of trauma and abuse, throughout his entire life, and combined with his lack of empathy for others… I don’t think he had the willpower to become better than what he is or even saw a reason why he should try. And he may have still turned out terrible even if he’d grown up in a different environment. Who really knows? In this universe, he’s an abusive, manipulative murderer and I hope he gets what he deserves. But I am still sad for him and who he could have been.


He seemed to have the support of his brother and Rogio, and the plan with Rogio poisoning him seemed a viable one for a long time now, from what i could gather, he was just waiting from some arbitrary thing to happen. What i was saying is, he could have done it sooner. Same with Kargo and Ferahs rebellion, we know Kargo was a great fighter, and there was chaos as they escaped, he could have used that opportunity to kill his father, maybe even pin it on them. All i am saying is, he had opportunities he never cared enough to take. Honestly that, or he could have ran away. He, unlike the others, seemed free to roam and go wherever he desired. Him and Rogio for sure could have gone "hunting" one day and simply never returned from what we know. Maybe more info will come out on why they didn't, but ranach seemed to hold qzite a lot of sway and power, with him having ordered Zilas' murder.


wow never expected that... at least not for THAT reason

Tora Collita

Since they are 5 in year 30. And Rogio said he joined 2 years earlier. I would say 3-4 years old.

Tora Collita

We all hate Ranach, and with how his father is, we have an explanation to why. And we hate his father even more then Ranach. An explanation why isn't taking away the horrible things, but to understand how one can be like it, and hope to prevent others to become one in time. For Ranach it's too late.


Ugh. No, Iberon. Don’t fall for it. Don’t let Ranach manipulate you into feeling bad for him. He doesn’t deserve it. Yes, I’ll admit that, like several others, I can’t help but sympathize with him in *this* particular page… especially when he is cowering on the ground and whimpering like a puppy as his own father savagely carves into his face with a knife, but again, let me reiterate what I’ve already said so many times before: Ranach’s abusive past only *explains* his despicable actions, it does *not* excuse them. Not every victim of abuse grows up to be an abuser, themselves, after all; you are still responsible for your own actions, and at some point, you have to make your own choices. Walk your own path. And we’ve seen what kind of choices Ranach has made, and the kind of path he chose to walk down. He had support. Someone who loved him. Once his cruel father was out of the picture (thanks to Rogio, himself, by the way), he could’ve truly chosen to change the Meteor Tribe for the better. But what did he do? He turned away from all of that and decided to continue the brutal lifestyle that he’d been taught. He made the decision to *kill* the one being who had always loved and supported him, despite everything. Even if he regrets it *now*, we all know that he only regrets it for his own benefit; for the pain and loss that *he* now feels, he doesn’t regret it for Rogio’s sake. In fact, I can just imagine how he’d react if he learned that not only is Rogio actually alive, but that he now loves someone else. No doubt he’d fly into a jealous rage and seek to destroy Rogio’s happiness, and if he *truly* loved and cared for Rogio, he’d want him to be happy, even if he’s not with him. Ranach is responsible for so much pain and suffering of innocents, and he has destroyed the lives of so many others… I just can’t feel bad for the dog that he is *now*, even if I can sympathize with the abused pup he once was. Honestly, I’m hoping that Iberon will ask the name of Ranach’s lover, and he’ll impulsively blurt out, “Rogio” before he can catch himself. I’m waiting on bated breath to see Iberon’s reaction to *that*. Not that I truly expect to see it happen, this soon, but… it would be nice. All in good time, I suppose. I just hope it’s before Ranach has managed to manipulate Iberon, like he did his brother. Also, a bit of a side note, but I still remember when Kique posted an un-colored sketch of a puppy Ranach with his scarred face back on his old deviantART account… and it made me hate Arenak even more then, seeing that he could do such a cruel thing to his own son, even as a young pup… obviously this has since been changed, and was probably meant to be more of a concept art piece, rather than anything meant to be canon, but anyway… just wanted to mention it. ^^


I was going to ask a few pages back how Rannach got his scar. Now my question is answered. That was brutal! No wonder Rannach wanted the jarl dead.