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Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-810-77107006




Oh dear. This is really creepy. What happened to the tribe? It is either that the capital (Solar Stag) is behind all this or it could be the sky gods that swift the members of Lowglade Tribe away. This is not good. I am worry about the pup that Feaf mentioned here.


It could also be that other group of dogs posing as the capitol. Though I'm not sure why they'd do that.


This honestly was the public page that made me finally to do this Patreon thing. I just wanna see what the FUCK is with them capitals, this tribe sounded sketchy to begin with


Hella sus and it definitely makes me anxious about where this is headed.


They killed them all and stole their glow paint, didn't they. o_o To think Southspear is actually right for once.


What the heck is going on?! I’m getting anxious and starting to think that the capital is corrupted

Tora Collita

Entire tribe disappeared?? Confusion much


Somehow i feel like, Ninmah has nothing to do with all of this, that its mostlikly one of her subjects thats doing all the Shadie work. I know we havent see much of her, but in the convo with Jahla she seemt to care for the other dogs and tribes, and not be some kind of plotmonster that lets other Tribes dissapear etc. Maybe because she is always staing in her ship she doesnt even know what is going on outside and gets played as well as the rest of the Tribe...


me personally... i don't think its the WHOLE capital that's at fault or corrupt. i think its lahmina being the puppetmaster of a lot of different things. :/ don't know why, but she always struck me as... idk? something has always been so OFF with her, in every scene she appeared in so far. plus, axi always looks up to her (seemingly) and look at how much of an asshole she is, and how corrupt her ways of doing things are. you gotta learn it from somebody... idk. i just can't help but think of lahmina lately when these things have been happening.


More likely how try intune with what goes on Adrea can the matrarch be if she is more or less tethered to her ship, is the last of her kind, and wolves or those who resemble them are feared so badly. I think Solar stag uses her title to create and wield significant power. Plenty of tribes have presented an unfriendly approach as a defence so it couldn't be that. The territory is once again marked as uninhabitable.