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I concur. Ronja did killed before only defending herself. I believe due to that experience, she still feels traumatize even disgust by being a murderer, which of course she rather not relive the moment to become a killer. It is up to Ronja to make the big step.


Fraujar really cares about Ronja and will do anything to protect her. Ronja is an excellent leader, yet she shows to much consideration when it comes to her being merciful and kind. I am not saying that being a good person is bad because Fraujar understands that Ronja is pure and an independent woman. It is just that Ronja being too nice, too merciful, and always sparing others (who may or may not deserve her kindness) can lead anyone believe she is way too considerate and target her by bullying her. Look back on how she shows mercy by letting Ranch and Ulfr free without banishment or a physical warning, thus led them to get back at her. Just like them, some tribes out there may see Ronja as a helpless female who does not know how to defend for herself. Back to Fraujar, he wants Ronja to show discipline, be strict, less kind, and more merciless as a leader should for the sake of the tribe. I don't know what Rogio's suggestion to Ronja maybe - Maybe she has to mate with Fraujar, or she and her family hide in the mountains, or Ronja head up to the capital to gain alliances, or seek out support from Origin Orion Tribe, if the Jarl there will approve, or .....??? Sorry, I don't know what will occur next. Let us believe that Ronja will find a way.


Why do I get the feeling Fraujar would be fine with the fact Kargo is alive? Especially if it was explained why Kargo did what he did. Seems Fraujar may not be the capital's number one supporter, especially after finding out Axi knew about the attack but refused to warn anyone. I really want these two to combine their tribes but have different outposts. Whispering Meteor.. silent.. but deadly and like train deadly ninja assassins >:3


Ahhhh Fraujar; the boi! He's my favourite character hands down, I absolutely love him. Ronja is lucky to have him helping her in this situation. I'm glad he's letting her know to take a stand, to not be meek. I have an issue with this IRL - I'm just like Ronja, and having to teach myself that standing up for myself is the only way at times, as hard as it is.


I LOVE Fraujar so hecking much!!!!<3


I don't think he'd have an issue either to be honest. In fact I think he'd be somewhat in support, as if "We can't explain it, but it clearly happened. There's still too much we don't know" type thing


I hope she takes the chance to explain Kargo to him right now, he can't keep hiding while their allies are protecting the camp. Fraujar would prolly take it pretty well if it's explained to him before he see him, not so well if they leave it until he gets spotted.


I really hope they merge tribes…their numbers would be 29, well 23 adults and 6 pups/cubs


I agree with a lot of these comments, but I'm just hoping separately to this, that they'll inform Rogio/Kargo that the cubs mother is still alive, and they sort out a visit for him to go see her

Tora Collita

Tough love from Fraujar, is needed. Ronja is the kind that would be the leader we all need, but with how the world is, you can't get anywhere at the moment like it. Hopefully she can keep that mindset if Aedra can change. Now about those two... Let's talk about merging Tribes, get the Forngrym cub and mother together, and kiss. ^^


I don’t think they’ve been hiding Diarko, so I would imagine that once Fraujar (or someone else, possibly Keirr) sees him, it’ll click because I think Feomeh mentioned that she had lost her cub to Feaf and I’m assuming she would’ve shared that.


damn, i love Fraujar


don't forget, Ronja has killed before, but she was pretty young when it happened.