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Tora Collita

Love the reference from Asmundr ^^ And Kargo knows he has strength still


I freaking love them and i love that last part XD


My heart!! I love them so much. Poor Roamer, I feel so bad for him. I don’t even blame him for killing that dog. I just wish my boys would get a break.


Even though Kargo is still in love with Roamer, I simply adore their current dynamic. Kargo is the best one to talk to Roamer after what happened even Rogio is aware of it. It's good to have Kargo back. Sure, these two aren't a couple anymore, but they need each other to remain sane.


Personally i look at it this way. Those dogs raided their homes, destroyed their huts and wall. If they didnt think there would be those willing to fight back and or harm would come to them for raiding? They are stupid. I dont blame roamer at all


simple as is: you come to my house wielding a knife, you best bet I'mma fight you back with an even bigger knife.


This!!! I couldn't put it into words before but you hit the nail on the head! It's actually put them in more danger potentially to kill the dog instead of letting him go! I truly understand where roamer came from but still, it was murder and not ok.


I just sometimes forget that it's Kargo with the new marking 😅 lol


This ^^^ I also feel like people are forgetting that this isn’t a morality debate about murder, but also about the fact that he deliberately disobeyed Ronja, AS second in command, and put her in a stickier situation . He did nobody no real favors other than increase their target


Wanted to add on that this mentality, “don’t trust strangers, kill or be killed, leave no openings” is exactly what made Kargo snap and murder 2 dogs in cold blood in the first place. To choose to leave no room for empathy, compassion, or mercy, and kill no matter what may happen, is exactly what drags these types of fights on. I just hope for both of them that they leave room in their hearts to have mercy for others. Personally I’m a little sick of the idea that the world has no room for empathy or mercy, and you can’t trust strangers because they’re out to get you. It’s just so bleh and leads to situations like kargo murdering 2 people, and now roamer doing this. You can live, survive, and protect without turning into a killer.


Love the dialogue these two share… it’s always engaging. And I’m glad Kargo’s got some of his groove back!