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Well that conversation went -great-

Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-799-74666764




Roamer has reallt matured tho 💀


Roamer... 🥺 He doesn't want them to be apart anymore...and Kargo is still being his self-sacrificing self. I understand his side, though, and can't imagine how guilty he'd feel if anyone died because of his presence. But I'm also just as selfish as Roamer (since he stated himself he is here lol!) and don't want Kargo to leave. I want him to stay in Meteor and let himself be happy <\3 Now I'm also worried Roamer is gonna wake up, and Kargo will be gone, since he knows Roamer wouldn't let him say a proper goodbye without putting up a fight and/or convincing him to stay 😭 Please, Kique, be gentle on our hearts, because mine is breaking for these two!!


Come on, boys. Get it together, admit there’s still deeper feelings involved, and give us the OT3 that everybody deserves. /lh


I support this comment wholeheartedly 👀 there is definitely something deeper here between them, imo, as well as the interactions we saw with Kargo and Rogio...


Kargo just needs to trust his friends for once.


Im waiting for kargo to be gone when roamer wakes up TT


Fraujar seems to think Kargo is dead. If Ronja decides to merge the tribes (I assume she has talked about this with Fraujar already), Kargos precense would not only endanger the safety of both of the tribes, but also hurt the trust that has been formed between Ronja and Fraujar. There is pups in both of those tribes. When Roamer is trying to make Kargo to stay in MT, he is selfishly putting the pups also in harms way. I am not really a fan of Kargo with both Rogio and Roamer as a poly group. I would rather see Kargo happy with one individual and have his own small family tribe with pups of his own or something, where he could be safe and live his life happily and devoted to something what he can build and protect. Another thing they could do is to contact the capital via Jahla, who knows the matriarch, who could turn the flow of the events completely. But just Kargo staying with MT or living alone randomly and hiding is just... Bad idea. Bad. -_Ó


(I noticed I posted to the wrong pages comments, so i deleted that one and copy-pasted it here. Do not wonder. xD)


I can't see a way out of this without major conflict, maybe even war, between the north tribes and the capital now... I don't think that the MT will even want to let Kargo be a fugitive again, they care too much about him for that. And we know that Fraujar will want to support Ronja no matter what happens, not to mention that he is also potentially in conflict with the capital for deciding to side with Feomeh. The MT has Diarko and he will be hunted by the capital eventually. Kargo may create his own tribe with Diarko and maybe Feomeh eventually, as a way to protect MT/WV from capital backlash. Or he will stay and be part of the eventual merge. Either way I think that his character will be part of the conflicts to come, so I don't see him leaving. Feaf and Rhov will join the MT and be part of the conflict as well. Shiverfall will want to be their allies in the conflict because they will want to protect the Forngrym. Now I can't wait to see Ranach's face if he manages to bring his plan to fruition and realizes that the MT wants to fight the capital haha. And I'm wondering what will be Jahla's reaction. She knows who the Matriarch is, so she will want to avoid conflict between the capital and her friends/family. She could be the diplomat that prevents war from happening. I may be completely wrong, but I like how the dots are starting to connect here!


Idk if anyone has said yet, but Roamer’s dialogue on top right says “I don’t want you from my side” which I assume is supposed to say “I don’t want you apart from my side” or “I don’t want you to do that”


“I don’t want you away from my side” works too. Or “I don’t want you to leave my side”. I missed it when I was first reading this page, but yeah, you’re right, as it is now, it sounds awkward and technically grammatically incorrect. Good on your for pointing it out (I know Kique welcomes grammar/spelling corrections, as long as people aren’t rude about it). :)