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Uiii loooovveee Since when does Rov have the brown line on the eye.. Did I miss something?😅😶🙃


on the eye? Do you mean the two lines under the eye? If so yes he has always had that


I love seeing Rhov and Keirr together again...and with a new addition of Feaf now!! They seem like a funny trio :') I'm also glad the potential ambush on the Meteors was brought up, and not forgotten in all the excitement. We can trust Fraujar to take a threat like that seriously (though I do feel like it's info that should be told to him now :'D I get it's the middle of the night, but isn't that the time when they'd most likely be attacked?)

Tahja Tomlinson

It’s his birthmark he inherited from his mother. She has spots around her eyes


It might be different in Aedra with the ghouls. It could get risky if you're attacking and your fighters lose their torches or are forced out of the light. A messenger might face the same problems with torches, though Rhov and Feaf do still have their Guild necklaces so if they aren't too tired they technically could go safely - but then they'd risk being attacked themselves if they had to go alone.


That look Rhov and Feaf gave each other… 👀

Tora Collita

I'm glad Keirr is honest about himself about that with Raun. And love the dynamic between Rhov and the other 2. He sure brings the calm put of them to talk ^^


I'm still a solid keirr x aira shipper 😶‍🌫️


I would love to see Kainans line to continue, so I root for Keirr x Aira too. Keirr x Ferah would also bee kinda cool! xD