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Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-784-73136192




Hmm i wonder why Lykenias Paint changed here? Also Axi is a piece of shit -.- throw away a friendship just because of that? i so hope Rhov and Feaf will tell Fraujar about the Raid und they will rush back to MT to help Ronja and the Others!


It seems to mimic the outlaw tier so maybe this is war paint? The other paint is all black (except the ranks with red) to help with stealth (I assume) so maybe this is what they dawn when planning an invasion?


Man, I can’t believe I ever actually liked Axi. When she was first introduced, and especially when we first saw her meet Ronja, I thought she was a good person, but now... She just seems like such a pretentious, judgmental bitch. And I guess she’s seemed that way pretty much ever since Rhov joined up with the Guild, but at least then I could *somewhat* see her point; she wasn’t entirely sure that Rhov could be trusted, after all, and I guess to her, he *did* seem suspicious. But there is no excuse for how she is treating Feaf now, throwing away their friendship so easily, and besides that, immediately wanting to report Feomeh to the Capital; declaring she and her entire species “feral” and with “no place in their society”. Never mind the fact that she should very clearly be able to see that Feomeh is no more feral than any of them are, being capable of speech, complex emotions, etc. (I’m pretty sure she heard hers and Feaf’s conversation, since she was clearly eavesdropping then, so you can’t say that she doesn’t know this). I get that she’s only doing her job as a Guild leader, and as a member of Solar Stag, but that’s just the point… at some point, she should put her duties to the Guild aside, and think about what does and what doesn’t seem right, morally. In all honesty, it kinda reminds me of what Rhov told Jahla way back when they had that argument; about how it’s important to question someone you trust when they do something that doesn’t seem right, instead of continuing to blindly accept every step they take… It seems to me that Axi needs to hear those same words, honestly, considering her blind faith toward the Capital (and let me remind her that she’s never even actually *met* the Matriarch, whom she seems to revere so much… I wonder what she’d do once she found out that she is, in fact, a “wolf”). Anyway, now hopefully Rhov and Feaf will go back to the Meteor Tribe and warn them about the impending raid; and that’s another strike against Axi, regarding her blind adherence to the Capital’s “rules”… outright refusing to warn Ronja about her tribe possibly being attacked, especially when she knew innocent puppies would be involved… I really started becoming disgusted with her then, and now her actions on these past couple of pages have only solidified my disgust. Unless something changes with her pretty soon, she is definitely on my list of least favorite characters, right up there with Ranach and Rohgir. >.> Btw, I hope you don’t mind the correction, Kique, but in the first panel, “has” should be “have”, since the statement is being used in a plural sense, and not singular (Feaf is speaking of multiple individuals being shunned and ignored, not just one individual, and so “have” is grammatically correct, while “has” is not). :)


You go Feaf! Hurry Rhov get back to Meteor quickly! Feaf gave them a heads up but that may not be enough. MT needs help! So my first thought with Lykenia's story is.. what are the chances her mother is not actually dead but either 'reformed' (I hate to use that word as the tribe is only trying to live their lives..) and just didn't come back or that she is maybe still held captive? It does.. and doesn't seem like the capital to just kill without a trial. If that was the case they would have just offed Jahla.. but there is obviously some worry in that outcome as everyone worries for Kargo and our newest lion girly..


I think Axi is trying to do her duty and is now probably questioning what that even is. She may have gone by the "letter of the law" for so long, or promised that she would that she's trying to hold herself to that standard and can't see past it. I don't particularly blame her but seeing into the spirit of the rules (rather than the letter of) is the action of a true leader.


That’s what I was thinking maybe they said her mom was dead but instead kept her there at capital. I’m hoping if she is alive that’ll make a good twist for part of the home story line. Plus I’d love to see her mom been always imagining how she looks. 😊


Damn hit her with that "My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?"


Noooo! What if they run into Asmundr old group as they’re looking for allies 🥺 Asmundr is right next door, I hope they got a force field


Two things I would love to see from this page alone: 1) Axilyah being called out by Bacheo or even Teru (?) for the reason she gave Feaf and Rohv the boot, and 2) Lykenia's call to action actually moves Southspear members to join Ranach on the mission. These two scenes are closely joined after all; there are flaws in the Solar Stag laws that need to be addressed


Commenting on this page again, but it just occurred to me… it seems like we’re supposed to feel sorry for Lykenia’s mother apparently having been captured and killed by the Capital, but the thing is, based on what little we already know about her, she was most likely a despicable dog, and deserved her fate. If this tribe steals from and kills others, that’s already a bad sign, especially since they clearly *enjoy* what they do (they’re not just doing it as a need to survive; they take way too much joy in it for that to be the case), AND I remember what Ranach had said about Lykenia’s late mother, when they first met; how she had apparently called herself the “true” Matriarch, and even had the respect of Ranach’s evil father, despite being a female. Those facts alone make me think that Lykenia’s mother is no one to mourn the loss of, and that Southspear most likely deserves the “unfair” treatment of the Capital, barring a few individuals. Be cruel to others, expect the same cruelty back; that’s the way I see it.


I don't totally hate Axi here. Yes she's come off as quick to judge and pretentious, but none of it was entirely without merit. Rhovs circumstance WAS suspicious, though of course she could have asked. And as a guild member, your job comes before everything else. That was very clearly explained when Rhov was petitioning to join. I can only imagine how important it is to stay impartial and to not give anyone favoritism. Despite her kinda pretentious personality, Axi is just doing her job. In any case i hope to see her realize and acknowledge the capitals faults, too


Fired! I didn't see that coming! I bet Kierr will feel guilty now :D