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Awe axi are your feelings hurt? Karma sucks, feeling betrayed hurts don't it


Ugh I swear every time Axi opens her mouth it makes me fume.


Personally, I love how Rhov's mouth tells the truth, but his eyes say, "Ma'am, I lost a lot of respect for you. Back off" And Feaf?? "Ditto" x3


Karma's a bitch, right Axi?


I called it! I just knew Keirr would see Rhov and rush to him before they could leave! That panel of them hugging, awww… So nice to see the brothers finally reunited. 🥰 Also, fuck you, Axi. That is all.

Tora Collita

Brothers meeting again! 💕 Also, like, where have Rhov ever lied about having a family? Just about having a partner. And so far, of what Axi knows, Rhov has been good on their journey. She doesn't know he sneaked to meet Jahla.


I think, I may be wrong as its been awhile since I've re read the whole comic, but I think to the viscountess he said no family or mate... Which back then, that could've been true, they could've gone back to earth or god knows what for all he knew. And I think viscountess of solar stag will understand why he hid it, it being a new world, not being able to trust anyone easily, family disappearing etc... So I can't see him, having a punishment really, or very very minor one if that. Also she may be able to show him, where his parents and everyone is, now that theyve been visited by the capital, which would be lovely.... But I dont think Axi could hear their conversation, whilst he spoke to the viscountess, so I can't remember where she can say he's lying...

Tora Collita

He said his parents name. I think also that was the only thing asked about. That and that he has no partner. Only the no partner i remember was the lie back then. Now it's true since he and Jahla broke up.


I think that Axi's problem is that from the beginning she knew that Rhov used the guild in order to find his family, or at least she was highly suspecting it, but had no proof, hence her constantly passive-aggressive behavior towards him. Edit : She could also have thought he was some kind of criminal related to the disappearance of the Asmundr pack? Either way she knew something was up, but couldn't know what exactly. I'm unsure why she calls it a "lie" though. I'm figuring that Rhov did at least white lie about it off camera right after page 285, when he told Axi why he wanted to join the guild.


Aww good! Now he knows where everyone is! He knows that Ronja and Roamer are in Meteor, and he knows that Heirr is in Whispervale and Keirr will learn from Rhov that Jahla is in Havengarde. Everyone will know where everyone is! Now the only ones to find are the parents :o


At that point I would just be like "fk you Axi, I quit" and then leave. xD But I think it would not work that easily in that world.


Not to Ranach-brain but wow it'd be a shame if something happened to Axi lol. Jk it'd be even better if she just developed later on. X)


I’m a little confused here, if I remember one rule was to not have a romantic relationship in the guild, so what’s up with Axi getting pissed at Rhov for hugging his brother?


Because Rhov lied about why he joined the guild. The truth came out here that he only joined them to look for his family, something Axi would never agree to