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Im really eager to see what is going on in the 5th Panel Fraujar looks so handsome that i felt like it wasnt anything serious, but when i saw the guards i got really concerned! also im soooo thrilled to see, how Keirr reacts when he finally sees his Brother again :3


Lawd I love Fraujar, he's such a stud lol. I'm curious and eager to see what the next page brings...O_O

Noxus Light

these dang cliff hangers lol


I feel like it’s someone from origin 👀


Everyone is guessing Feomeh or someone from Origin Orion, and I agree that those are good guesses, but is it possible that it could actually be Avanti…? Last we saw her, she ran off after Rogio broke the curse, so maybe she has since been found by Whispervale Tribe members? Her, uh… unique appearance would certainly explain Fraujar’s hesitance to tell the Guild about her, preferring instead, to let them see her for themselves. Hmm… On another note, does Rhov even know that Keirr is part of Whispervale Tribe? I don’t think he does, right? I mean, he could’ve learned this from Ronja, but he didn’t even get to talk to her… If he doesn’t know, it’s going to be such a nice surprise for the both of them! :)


Oooo yeah! That’s who I’m feeling is who we are gonna be seeing on the next page or so, I agree that her appearance is one of not the norm and would definitely be hard to explain and best to show. It’ll be really interesting if that is who it is and awesome because I’d like to see what they will do and what will become of Avanti after she is shown to the guild. Hopefully good will come to her. 🤞🏻 And for Kierr I don’t think he knows but the same with Ronja if he reacts to his presents will it get him in trouble and will he have to tell Kierr no like he did with Ronja? 🤔


Plot twist. Its father


Rabisu appearance?


Agreed! I didn’t feel like Avanti was truly a bad creature, just that she was misunderstood due to her “ugly” appearance, and so became cursed after various sad circumstances not entirely under her control, similar to what happened with Aira. It will be really interesting to see if it really is her that Fraujar is about to show Axi. Honestly, I’m not sure, but probably? That’s something I considered, myself, but I actually can’t remember if Rhov would get in trouble for the Guild finding out that he has family; now obviously I understood why it would be bad i they found out about Jahla, as she and Rhov were mates at the time, and Rhov had lied to the Guild when he told them he didn’t have a mate, but, I mean… surely they understand that *everyone* has some sort of family, right? Even if he told them he didn’t, they have to know he does… or else he wouldn’t exist. lol So I’m struggling to understand why he would get in trouble for that. But I suppose it has to do with Rhov not being truthful to the Guild (or the Solar Stag tribe, for that matter, when they first registered him into the Guild) about where he comes from; about how he is not originally from Aedra, and is, in fact, an “outsider”, originally part of the very pack that Axi had questioned him about. Which… I get why he lied about that, wanting to protect his family, and all, and being unsure if he could trust any of them with the information, but I honestly think it would’ve been much better for everyone involved, if he had simply told the truth, from the beginning. Who knows, Axi might’ve actually been understanding, especially since she had already met Ronja prior to meeting Rhov, but of course, *now* she won’t, because he’s been lying to her, all this time. At any rate, I’m almost wondering if Keirr will spot Rhov first, and come rushing toward him before Rhov has a chance to react, then Rhov’s cover will be blown, and he will finally be forced to come clean to Axi, which will definitely be interesting, if that’s what happens… I guess we’ll see!


Is Ferah even aware that Aira is the same creature that basically got her yeeted off the waterfall? Does Aira even know she did that and that Ferah survived? I don't think we have seen that interaction yet either. Actually have we seen Ferah even interacting with many of the tribe? I wonder who she spends time with. "now obviously I understood why it would be bad i they found out about Jahla, as she and Rhov were mates at the time, and Rhov had lied to the Guild when he told them he didn’t have a mate, but, I mean… surely they understand that *everyone* has some sort of family" Well at least now he doesn't have to lie to the guild about *having* a mate seeing as the two aren't anymore. As for family I am not sure that he'd get in trouble for family as he didn't mention them to protect them previously. But it's not true that he has to have family. Alva's group was dropped onto that planet like the Asmundrs were, in her case I think she had a sister but I'm sure not everyone has family when they were left.. I think Rhov has been pondering the idea of leaving the guild to join Meteor (should they survive this possible attack that is) so if he does then Axi won't matter much in the end I suppose.


I wonder if Rhov realizes the reindeer are from the herd that came with Asmundr :D I bet that will be a nice surprise for him to see them thriving. I think he was their shepherd at one time.


I’m hoping Avanti, I wanna see more about her! 👀


No, I don’t think she does know, and honestly, I can’t see how she’ll ever find out, unless Aira tells her story, which I really doubt she’ll be so keen to open up about that, for fear of rejection… she only told Keirr because she basically had no choice, as he had found her attempting to receive the spirit’s “blessing” yet again, giving her no choice to come clean to him. But just because she trusted him enough to share her experiences with, doesn’t mean she’ll trust anyone else. She probably just wants to keep that part of her past a secret, which, considering the circumstances… I can’t blame her, I suppose. Honestly, though, I wish Aira had more screentime, in general. She and Keirr used to be so close; now we barely even see them interact. I didn’t expect them to become a couple, but it was nice to see their friendship… as it stands, Keirr didn’t even thank *Aira* for her part in releasing Zilas’ soul, and it was mainly her that was responsible for it… Raun didn’t actually do much, yet Keirr thanked *him*. That part will always annoy me… but I digress. Not the point of this post. As for Ferah, it seems like she only spends time with Felidae, as the past scenes we seen of her, she was hunting with Felidae, and then agreed to have dinner with her… it seems to hint at the two of them becoming a couple, or at least a strong friendship; but I have to admit, I wish we’d see Ferah interacting with more members of the tribe, or just having more screentime, in general, but not necessarily with Felidae… she used to be one of my favorite characters, and now she’s just.. put on the backburner, so to speak. It’s a bit disappointing, but I suppose I can understand why too, with all the different characters Kique has to focus on. Hopefully she’ll get her “time to shine”, eventually, so to speak. I can’t wait to see her reaction to Kargo’s return, if that ever happens (and I hope it does). Their bond was always one of my favorite parts about this comic. Wait, I think you misunderstood what I was saying about Rhov. I’m not saying that he *has* to have family in order to be in the Guild; I know he doesn’t. I was saying, will he be in trouble with the Guild (and Solar Stag) if/when they find out *about* his family, as I believe he lied to them and told them he didn’t have any family, and he lied to them about his origins, in general. But like I said, that’s the part I don’t really get, as *everyone* has some sort of family, they have to, in order to actually exist… so they shouldn’t be shocked when they find out he does, in fact, have family too. But that is what I’m wondering about; their reaction when/if they do find out about his family, and I can’t imagine it’ll be good, considering he’s been lying to them, all this time.