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Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-776-72127304




kargo in the 6th panel touches my heart for some reason</3


ok updated to Outlaw, i couldnt handle it anymore so i wanted to see all comics ahead lol :D


So can you please remind me what the significance is of the spear in that frame?


In previous pages on the chapter finale, we saw Roamer toss that spear into the tree in rage. Kargo sees the spear now and puzzled the pieces together as Roamer mentions he got a bit intense during training. He's concerned for Roamer's mental health


Thank you for all these pages Kique! I just read them all, though I should really be getting dinner ready for and Aussie barby :D I can't wait for more pages on the 30th....well the 31st Aussie time lol I wish i could draw comics like you! Your designs, coat patterns and characters always amaze me. Plus you have Sabre Tooths in your comic too, how could it get any better!