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Tora Collita

Wonderful sarcasm Roamer. Love it ^^


"away with you" lol


Please oh please Roamer/Rogio/Kargo poly relationship I need this in my life. I need these three to be a couple <3


*throuple. ;D I agree.. they all three have great chemistry with one another. <3


I think it would go a long way in Roamer with his feelings of wanting to be with Rogio but also feeling a deep connection still with Kargo.


hhnm. i think i'm the only one who doesn't enjoy a poly relationship with these guys! honestly, I think it would be a lot more entertaining to read... an affair between rogio and kargo! and roamer watching them both take off with each other. if I'm honest, I see more chemistry between rogio and kargo than rogio and roamer. poly could be cool, but an affair... is so DRAMATIC. and I love that. would never happen, but interesting to think about I think


I am not a fan of the idea of a poly relationship between these 3 characters but I'll just keep reading. There is other nice things in the comic too.

Noxus Light

you are not the only one, i think it's a bad idea in general. Can't say im a fan of affairs either but if you want drama, that'll be the way to do it.


Yeahhh is it bad that I’d rather see a dramatic affair between these guys then see a poly relationship? 😐


i love the idea of a polyship between these three, love rriangles bore me so much and i hate affairs used for dramas sake, more media needs healthy poly rep and it feels natural to me narratively with how the three of them have developed.