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Dog bless you, Feaf <3


I'm so happy it was feaf and not rhov and they were warned! I still hope rhov gets to go see them properly very soon tho!


Goodness, I love the heck'ns out of Feaf. Look at how happy she is with herself in that last panel of them <3 Ugh, I love her so much. Great page as always, and like someone else said, I'm glad that they were given some form of warning. Details weren't necessary, but SOMETHING to let them know in a general sense to not let their guard down was enough. Bless her.

Tora Collita

That was a short time! As they last time stayed almost 2 nights. But I guess that's was because Ronja was new and this time they're very late because of Tinget.

Jacqui Ball

I hate this for Rhov. I'd be screaming my head off and spilling everything. Grrrrr.