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Page sketch- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-770-71512547



Tora Collita

Good there ronja. Hope Kargo rename himself to something soon.

Noxus Light

hmm, well she technically didnt lie about his passing anyways. But if the guild runs into javo and the others...won't be good.


hmm.. I kinda don't like how Ronja phrased that.. it would have been less of a stretch to the truth if she would have said "He died" instead of "He's dead".. 'cause he DID die, but he is - in fact - not dead now. 😅


Its maybe just me, but doesnt look Axi in the 5th Panel a bit suspicious? I really hope she believes Ronja, the Tribe really deserves some rest and not more trouble... but that said, the Raiders are at there doorstepp too, soo yeah...


I think the suspicious look was about the raid party they saw. She doesn't want to give away anything but probably suspects Ranach may be involved with it, even though he's not. When Romja says she suspects retaliation, itd make sense for Axi to think of that