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This is too cute 🥺🥺🥺


Kargo still looks sad in the last panel… :(


Those last two panels look so sad. There clearly still is something between them but neither will act upon it (for good reason right now). You could say it's them...YEARNING for each other *wink wink* (get it? Yearning cause its the....chapter title? Yeah no ik its a dumb joke but i had to xD) or perhaps simply wishing to be back to when times were better and easier and less heavy. A time where both of them were truly happy with one another however brief that time may have been. Also i find it interesting how roamer phrased it as the spirit fucking them over. Sort of hinting in his mind it wasn't kargo that fucked up but the spirit, maybe even to a point he is unsure if breaking up was the right call and if it was kargo he broke up with or the spirit (not saying that was the case or excusing what kargo did, the phrasing just caught my attention).


I feel like kargo keeps on egging roamer on something that Roamer has already came to terms ith... and he's happy with Rogio.. Kargo needs to back off and stay in his lane. Respect Roamer and Rogio and stop provoking Roamer. Not a fan of those types.


to be fair, Kargo wasnt even sure if he should return at all, Rogio was. Roamer came to him when it was quiet outside, not the other way around. Roamer begged him to stay. It all came from Roamer so I dont see how Kargo needs to back off, he didnt do anything. It was all Rogio and Roamer bc they both dont mind and they want him around.


Kargo doesn't need to remind Roamer about starting a relationship with him again possibly when Roamer is already happy with Rogio. It just makes him look like those nasty home wreckers. He can be happy and all that Roamer has accetpted his friendship and the fact that he sees him as family, but doesn't need to keep on hinting at anymore than that.


I guess I didn't make this page clear enough XD Kargo isn't coming on to Roamer at all, and he isn't talking about their past romantic relationship or Roamer and Rogio's relationship, Kargo is only wanting to see if he and Roamer are good, or if Roamer is upset in any way that Kargo is back. Kargo doesn't want to burden or upset anyone, especially not Roamer, that is why he's asking these questions, he just wants to make sure that Roamer is ok with all of this.


Like Kique said, the whole conversation is about "do you even want me here?" Kargo was ready to die again on that mountain, he told Rogio on his grave that he's kinda tired of everything (which is understandable given that his life was miserable so far) and that he doesnt know if he even should go back to his loved ones. Rogio, being there himself, had empathy and convinced Kargo that of course Roamer will embrace him. So even *if* those two end up together again down the road (which is entirely possible) or the three of them will build something, be it romantic or a very close bond otherwise, its all way too soon. Kargo is tired and unsure if he deserves a second chance, if it wouldnt be better to be gone and not worry about protecting those you love all over again. He literally was dead and saw his grave this very day, that's why he's the way he is now. Also Rogio himself encouraged all of that so if he isnt worried, I think there is nothing to worry, at least for now.


Not really fond with Kargo, as he reminds me of someone I knew who was manipulative and had anger issues. Even if they forgive and roamer has even told kargo before his death that he would help him and be by his side even if they aren’t romantically together. Kargo is just my least favorite, and that’s just my own opinion. Ty for the explanation though


Thats fair enough, its the same with Rogio, also bc of a trigger (especially the whole silent treatment/no communication just sex and then the "best friend getting with ex after a few days and gives no shit about it" thing) so I get you there (still also think RxR is a very bland relationship with zero chemistry, literally Kargo and Rogio have way more chemistry than those two imo). However both you and I need to take that aside because its our own experience, not the characters. Both Rogio and Kargo went through a lot, their experiences are most likely way worse than what most readers ever experienced (esp. with the rape tribe and everything). Kargo is not manipulative, he had anger issuses bc he was literally cursed and Rogio came off extremely needy and unhealthy for me (like taking advantage of the vulnerable Roamer so he wouldnt be alone) but he also was cursed abd both had a pretty shitty life so...guess we both need to give them a chance despite being our respective least favorite, huh? At least since they came back from the spirit, both of them did very well in the "being better" aspect I'll give them that.


I really hope they all find that true peace and forgiveness they need. Especially forgiving themselves.


Yea I understand, but as for right now I think as the reader/viewer I would like to see for myself how he'll redeem himself. I think if he continues on being a adopted father to the cub and Kargo doesn't get himself distracted by drama that could start because he still has feelings for Roamer... Then yea, I'd begin liking him cus it shows me his character is showing more self-control/restraint from creating a toxic environment for the cub. Despite them living in a dangerous world, personal stuff like that needs to be put on hold while he raises this cub. That's off topic, but that's what would help me start liking Kargo more at least, personally. I'm sorry to hear about what Rogio reminds you of, glad you got away from that! But yea, as a character, I love all of them in their own right ofc


Honestly reading the interactions between Rogio and Kargo on their own as well as this interaction, all three of them seem to have good chemistry with each other. Kargo and Roamer were always the strongest of the couples with how well they played off of each other, and I'm dying to see that playfulness come back!


I still low key want them to get back together :(