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Ask any questions regarding the comic Home, Patreon or art in general (:

Do not ask for story spoilers or questions regarding Asmundr, these questions will be skipped.  Commonly asked questions: Q: What program and tablet do you use?

A: Photoshop CC 2022 and wacom intuos medium tablet.

Q: Will you someday make a hard copy of your comics?

A: Most likely no.

Q: In what way is the story scripted?

A: I write in the style of "Discovery writing", I have plots, timeline and calendar scripted, the ending written, but I leave enough room for characters to go their own path, sometimes they choose something different from what I had originally planned.

Q: Is there a wiki for the comic?

A: Yes https://home-comic.wixsite.com/homewikia




After Home ends, will their be a sequel


Sorry in advance for asking so many questions! Is there anything inside a merchant's seal? Do dogs have to do anything special to get a seal? What happens if the seal is lost, stolen, or damaged? What happens if a Guild member abandons their post during their travels? Is there anything even remotely similar to an orphanage on Aedra? Would you ever consider labelling Aedra's biomes on the map? What are the Barren Isles like in terms of temperature, flora, and fauna? Are they uninhabitable or just uninhabited at the moment? Are all the black flags on the map only open territories or are they also uninhabitable areas? What herbs can be found around Aedra in Winter? Would it be possible for dogs/cats to make a greenhouse for herbs on Aedra? Do you have any pictures of old/obsolete markings?


1. In what age dogs and cats on Aedra reach reproductive maturity? Male and female at the same or different age? 2. Did Fraujar offspring (Bokki and Faera) reach their Baron and Baroness ranks during Rite of Passage or they get this just because they are Jarl's kids? How Fraujar himself get his rank (won the Rite or he was heir of former Jarl)?


I have plans, not giving details yet, my focus is on Home at the moment.


Got just 3: 1. I was wondering if "Cult like tribes" are a thing in Aedra? Not addressed as one obviously but have similar elements of one. I've gotten those vibes from Origin Orion and Ulvsbane so far but it could just be poor leadership and nothing more xD 2. I was wondering this since Avanti's raid but forgot to ask, what language was she speaking when she said sorry? 3. What character(s) are the most pain to color and who's the easiest?


1. No it's just a simple limestone thing, it's based off the mesopotamian seal worshipping Shamash/Utu (Father) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_(emblem)#/media/File:Cylinder_seal_Shamash_Louvre_AO9132.jpg 2. They must be allied with the capital or be from the capital. By working as a merchant the capital will grant their home tribe or family gifts or access to their supplies. 3. The seal can be replaced. A seal found must be given back to the capital. A stolen one could be retrieved by the capital and they may use violence to get it back. 4. They will be punished by the capital, either by losing their alliance, one of their assets taken over like cattle or supplies etc 5. There could be tribes that seek and take in those who are unwanted, it's rare though that orphans never find a home themselves as adopting someone is quite common in tribes, and it may help the tribe introduce new blood into their bloodline. 6. Not sure if it's necessary, the map shows what type of biome there is. 7. Most of the isles are rocky with not much vegetation and most of them are lacking in prey or other animals, which is why no tribes has been established there. 8. Black flags signify that there once was a territory there but was abandonded or destroyed. These territories can be reclaimed if the area is clear or healed. 9. Most herbs survive the winter except for a few. Herbs and herbalism is still being worked on at the wiki. https://home-comic.wixsite.com/homewikia/herbalism 10. Could be possible, just not something anyone has throught of yet X) 11. None that I've kept but I'm sure you can find a lot by going on pinterest, lots of stolen art on there X)


1. 2 years for felines, for male dogs it can be as early as 8 months. Females 18 months. 2. Some ranks are inherited, that was the case of Fraujar and his offspring.


Do any of the tribes practice agriculture? Do Tropical Cyclones exist in Aedra?


1. I would say both Origin Orion and Ulvsbane falls into the cult category. They're led by a pretty corrupt/mislead leader who is trying to push a specific agenda. Both tribes are hurting from this, and more tribes like it could exist. 2. She is speaking the language of the Sky Gods. 3. Fraujar is a pain, too many gradients and shades mixed, don't know what I was thinking when I made him, but he is getting easier to color the more I color him. Axilyah is also a pain


Do any tribes possess the means to create full-body plate armor, à la medieval horse armor (http://www.historynotes.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/horse-armour-5.jpg)? If so, do any tribes prefer such defense, or would it be considered to unwieldy to be viable?


Fraujar is one of the most stunning characters in this comic so you made a good job with him, even tho he is a pain. xD I have been wondering for a long time how you can survive (with full sanity) from drawing that many dogs with complicated designs and colorations. In your streams you make it look so easy and you clearly have developed your own way of coloring, that fits in your style specificly. Good job and a tip of my hat. * tips some hat *


Is there an inspiration for the tribe names? Is there one tribe name that you like the most? Is there any breed that we know of that is the "rarest" in Aedra (Obviously besides the Akis XD ) which character in the comic do you think gives the best hugs? X)


1. Inna has ripped mask, a marking that has not seen in other MT members so I was wondering is it possible that, for example, two dogs with 'normal' (IRL) masks with varying shapes have offspring that have your fictional mask? In real life, the amount of mask (and therefore 'shape') varies so do your masks work same way or are they strictly own genes that needs to be inherited? Hopefully my explanation makes sense XD 2. What personality traits does Nubia (Feaf's mom) has? Is she similar with her daughter? 3. Are Iakovos and Nikaia from Southspear related to each other? 4. When we're gonna continue figuring out Lowglade's family tree? O.O


1. In small aspects, like growing and harvesting hay for their cattle. 2. No, most of the island and the continent near it have temperate/cold temperatures


It would have to be created by spirits/gods, it's a bit too complicated for the canines and felines to craft themselves.


1. I usually go by the culture of the tribe, their main proffession or the type of biome they live in. 2. Forngrym, Rabisu. 3. Roamer X)


1. Some markings can pop up that used to exist in previous ancestors, and some markings can pop up randomly with no connection. 2. She's more reserved, quiet, stoic and dominant. 3. Yes. 4. Idk X)