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Fyi- Kargo healed his throat scar.



Tora Collita

Ronja asks the questions we want. And we got some answers. Well done


I love how direct Ronja is. Always asking the important questions.

Michelle Koenders

Well, Kargo technically died so his debt is repaid. 🙂


Awww protect this bbu




now the question is, would they believe him if they said he died? something tells me the bounty hunters will pose as a whole new threat for the tribe, not just ranach...


Eh idk, I know he's their friend but why put the whole tribe in jeopardy when he killed someone for literally no reason.


Interesting...maybe Fjordor never actually reported him. He might have wanted too on the Tinget but didnt as he heard of Kargos demise. Or the BH are busy with Southspear and Fjordor already told the capital at the tinget that Kargo died. In any case, I wonder why Ronja is so eager to agree protecting him. It totally makes sense for Rogio, we know he wouldnt want Kargo to die and Roamer too but Ronja and Kargo arent that close. Interesting for sure.

Tora Collita

I think Fjordor did report him. But maybe also took it back after he got to know he died in battle?


That's what Im thinking too. He was already there, why not reporting it so the family of those two would know that the dog that killed their loved ones is dead. However I'm still having a hard time judging Kargo toooo hard for that since we know he was cursed with the bear spirit, aka having another soul with him. It was made clear that he doesnt really remember what he does whenever the spirit-anger-thingy was active. If it just was the trauma trigger "MT weapon" then yes, that doesnt excused him raging on those poor dogs. But him being cursed but him on the same line as Aira, Avanti (who both killed a lot too) and Rogio if the ghoul within would have overtaken him.


Depends on what they think the debt entails. He took two lives, and only lost one. They could pull something like that, hmmmm


Wasn’t for no reason, it was a response to feeling his life was endangered after he thought they were reaching for a knife. Then the bear spirit kicked in so he quite literally wasn’t in control of his own mind or body. Still doesn’t mean those dogs deserved to die, but one can’t sit and say he did it for “literally no reason”. Also, in all fairness, almost all of those meteor dogs deserve to have bounties put on their heads. They’ve killed, r*ped, and more. Ronja made it clear though that she isn’t here to punish and lash out at them, she sees the suffering they went through and wants to give them a new start and life