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Ooo treat he says -cough cough- Roamer 😏


he could go to haven reach


poor buppy. perhaps kargo will go back and see fjordor. I'm unsure if he'd go to ferah, considering I feel like he'd burden her more by appearing again and yk... causing her to have yet another mental break over him. and oh, treat!! the jol feast maybe?! though not sure kargo has much of an appetite now, respectfully speaking...


Poor Kargo. He’s had it real rough. I really hope he can find peace with himself. :(


Poor Kargo, no wonder he feels that way. Buddy, you did a lot of good too, Roamer, Rogio, Ferah and many others wouldnt even be alive and well if it wasn't for you. Rogio would be his ghoul, Ferah would be dead and who knows what would have happened to Roamer. However it totally makes sense and in a way it's a mirror for Rogio who battled with this kind of feelings as well. I do hope these two will stick together for the time being because the last thing Kargo needs right now is being alone again. He needs friends and family around him that show him there's more to life than being the coat of armor, ready to die for your loved ones. I do hope the quartet of Roamer, Kargo, Ferah and Rogio returns one way or another. All these characters leave each other again and again, sticking to different directions in life and while that's realistic in a way, I do hope those 4 will make a different decision.