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Chapter 13 here we gooo

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javo is a douche


Poor Kargo. To see his gravestone like that must be so… god poor boi


I like that it's Rogio who is with Kargo at this moment - the one who brought him back to life. Kargo seems to looking at the gravestone of Zilas, maybe wonder why it's him to back from the dead as the only one? And I quite understand others suspicion, they have seen a lot of side effects of deals with spirits, curses and all the bad things coming from supernatural powers, it's understandable that they may be afraid.


Oh good, I’m glad to see that others actually are questioning it, even if they could be, well… nicer about it. =/ Still, though, I can’t really blame them. Aedra is full of tricks and strange and/or unexplained occurrences, and the spirits, although sometimes helpful, can be cruel. And even when they’re not cruel (the Sapphire Elk was very kind and sympathetic to Rogio’s plight, for instance), everything comes at a price. Maybe the situation with Kargo’s resurrection is a bit different, since Rogio basically fought for his life in the other realm, in order to bring him back, even if his main reason for being there, originally, was to rid himself of his beast. It does make me wonder if there will be some sort of catch for bringing Kargo back with him… like, maybe he wasn’t actually “allowed” to do that, and will receive some sort of punishment for it, eventually, even if just in some indirect way that’s not immediately noticeable? I hope not, but from what we’ve seen of the spirits, so far, it really wouldn’t surprise me. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!


Come on Roamer, remember your family! Think about who you know who *already came back from the dead* and maybe consider finding your folks to talk to them about this.


Oh right, Johaan! That does make me wonder if Roamer was ever actually told the story about him “coming back from the dead”, or if, at least, Ronja was, as his daughter… At any rate, I agree, their family could probably give some insight regarding this matter, even if how Kargo was brought back is not quite the same situation as what happened with Johaan. Too bad they have no idea what happened to them, though, or even the slightest clue of how to find them, for that matter. =/


Oh my, i totaly forgott that Johaan was brought back from the dead, and Zahira technically too


Yeah, Zahira too, though in that case, Frea gave her life so that Zahira could live, in exchange, so it’s not really the same thing… since Zahira never actually died (though she was gravely injured and unconscious). In Johaan’s case, he actually died from drowning, before Fridulfr (and Manegarm, in his own way) resurrected him.


It may be different, but Kargo is going to need some serious emotional support, which may be best sought from those who have dealt with being dead themselves, even a small bit. I'm hoping someone there thinks about it, even if Kargo decides to try and tough it out on his own.


Poor Kargo.


I don't blame the negativity at all. Kargos character was pretty rough. Imagine if you lived with a guy who got so blind rage mad he picked terrible fights with your roommates. Big yikes. Id feel the same way, and they're right to be concerned about tricks. I hope they get clarity and can be convinced his character is calmer without the bear