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Uh oh.
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Something tells me cuddle time is over.


Oh god what a creepy fucking look on him

Tora Collita

And Varg understanding Ranach through his eyes XD


Varg is so sweet tho, Ranach isn't tho so.... Damn. Looks like cuddle time is over 💀


oh so Varg lost someone he loved.... poor thing, no wonder he understands Ranach!


Oh boy. If only Varg knew that Ranach is NOT someone to feel sorry for; sure, he may have lost a loved one (as far as he knows, anyway), but it was his own fault that he lost him, *he* “killed” him, after all. IF Ranach actually tells Varg what happened, and doesn’t just snap and refuse to talk about it (as those shocked and angry eyes in the last panel seems to hint at..), I’m curious to see how he will twist the truth into one that paints himself as the victim (if I had to guess, it’ll probably be something like, “I trusted him, and he betrayed me, I had no choice but to leave him behind”). Also, something I just randomly thought of… remember when Ranach first met Ronja, and he said he didn’t recognize her breed, even saying that he’d “never heard” of a Gazal? Well, if that was true, then I wonder if Varg reminds him of her… not in a romantic sense, of course, as I know Ranach never had any real feelings for Ronja, but conformation-wise (coat color is obviously very different)… after all, other than Ronja, these Gazals in the Southspear Tribe should be the only ones he’s ever actually seen, if what he told Ronja back then was true. *shrug* Also, I hope you don’t mind, but “seem” in the 3rd panel should be “seems”, plural, in order to be grammatically correct (“everyone seems” not “everyone seem”… you can google it for more info/an official explanation, if you’d like). :)


Oh no, if poor Varg fall for Ranach I have a feeling that this gonna end bad. They look together so sweet here, but I'm not deluded that Ranach is able to really love or even feel something good for him back, sooner he use him for his own purposes, like he always do. But I want to be wrong and it would be great to see his character development for better and his sick obsession for Rogio (and now Iberon) ever will gone. But I'm feeling that is only wishful thinking. So far Varg was a background character, but now I want to know him better, I hope he would be more important in this story. After this page I would be happy if it could be him who could reach out to Ranach and his better side (which only Rogio saw so far), but Ranach seems to be that type character who never change for better and still repeat his mistakes over and over, beacause he don't understand even himself and always run from his problems.


I've really taken to Varg, I hope he finds happiness and we see more of him x


The problem is that everyone in the tribe in one way or another is somehow emotionally broken, likely Varg as well. I don’t feel like anyone there is in a condition to reach out and help another change for the better. True change is only possible from the inside and that can only happen if they leave the tribe imo.


Varg is pretty sweet and compassionate to me, I think he came to the tribe and put his life on the edge of the blade just to seek self-destruction or as an escape. Varg is not a typical "bad" character at all. If I were Ranach, I'd appreciate Varg, and maybe start something better with such a caring one. But I think Ranach will probably ruin it again.


I kind of hope Ranach holds onto Varg, maybe it would give him some sort of stability in his life and help him out