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Music: "Live" pages 726+ https://youtu.be/zFiN5lAgRHA
Sketch page https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketch-page-729-66383614
Speedpaint https://www.patreon.com/posts/speedpaint-page-66393838



Noxus Light

mannn i had a feeling momma was going down. Kique about to be known for orphaned cubs. I hope she makes it. i'd like to see her have a peaceful life.

Mikayla Clunk

It doesn't look like it hit anything vital! If they could just get her out of the water and maybe she'll live? 😭


Please rogio…save momma


Some of those kitties don't look too happy... come on, guys, jump into the water and help them escape.


Oooh, good point, I had to zoom in to really see it, but the black saber seems to be glaring at their leader… O.O Let’s hope that this is a hint that he actually disapproves of what he’s doing, and *will* decide to help them!


Please, PLEASE let the momma live 😭😭


Please let her live. I don't want that bb to have a lifetime of guilt. 🥺🥺🥺


The fact that the aim for the momma was spot on but it still missed the boys makes me feel some protection is over them. Hmmmm


I somehow find the leader‘s expression in that last panel interesting - he looks actually a bit sad? Guilty? Hard to tell exactly, but it‘s definitely not a „I don‘t care, let‘s go home.“-face right there.


Nooo! Not the mum! Why do the Sabres have to be the bad guys? I know not all of them are are in the comic. But I love Sabres.


Can we please have some Sabre Tooth wallpapers?