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Music: "When We Were Young" pages 719-720 https://youtu.be/iJq55-cYLSg




Jahla 🥹♥️ I love her


Theres so sweet.


Rdkrkskd this is so cute 😭😭😭


I am so happy for them, and so happy this is how their relationship ended. Its always good when you can still remain friends and part of good terms with a mutual understanding of what each of you needs.

Tora Collita

This is what I hoped for if they would break up. Parting ways mutual and stay close friends. <3

Mikayla Clunk

Im happy with how these two ended up, Jahla can continue her journey not feeling guilty. Having Rhov in the guild is also good so he can bring word to each group. I wonder though, Axi's suspicion of Rhov started because she scented him near the Asmundr border. I wonder what impact seeing Ronja embrace him will have.


I love that they parted ways this way ❤️ So they can now continue the journeys that they have been on without guilt.


(Deleted my first comment due to an error where it only pasted a small part of my whole comment) Oh! The second panel - that’s from the dialogue teaser that was posted a while back! It feels neat to have recognized it. ^^ And, similar to the last page, I have bittersweet feelings. My heart hurts knowing that my favorite “Asmundr” couple has officially split up, but I’m happy to see that they truly are parting on good terms, and are obviously still very good friends with one another. I hope we will see more moments between them, in the future, because even if they’re no longer together, romantically, I still love to see them interact with each other; they’ve always had a lot of chemistry, in my opinion. And let me just say that I love the fact that Rhov is considering joining Ronja and Roamer in the Meteor Tribe! I was so sure that he was going to choose to stay in Shiverfall, and ngl, as the only dog amongst a tribe of cats, that struck me as a bit… weird...? Awkward? I mean, I wouldn’t have hated it, though, and ultimately, it’s whatever makes Rhov happy, but personally, I much prefer the idea of him joining the Meteor Tribe, where he can at least be reunited with some of his family. I’m excited to see Rhov meet Ronja’s daughters too! :)


This is how you know someone is an amazing writer! I was never a huge fan of these two together but this scene and your music choice almost made me cry! I feel like I’m there with them and feeling what they do! Bravo


Thank you <3 Glad you liked the music as well, I spend hours trying to find the perfect track X)


This will sound dramatic and silly, but that panel with them talking about how their fun times don't have to end legitimately made me emotional, if a bit teary-eyed. Even if they aren't together romantically, I adore their relationship nonetheless.


This is sad 🥺 it's not even 730 AM and I'm crying lol


Oof I don't like it. I get that they're splitting, characters grow and change and i get it. I appreciate them being mature about it. But. they got separated after a fight even though they'd had a solid relationship up to that point, despite their age. They spent MONTHS worrying about each other and where the other was, where anyone was. In that time learning and growing in ways that made them really understand the other. And that all just feels..... glossed over. Rhov had no idea how or why Jahla disappeared and it bugs me he didnt ask. It bugs me that Jahla didn't address it, even just a mention "listen, im so sorry about how we got separated. I stumbled into my brothers tribe and i stayed too long and then everything was gone when i got back. I didn't intend for this to happen, i didn't just run away from you." or something, anything, that resolved that. Rhov just accepts that she disappeared and started a new life. It feels weird. I know she said "it's a long story" but still there was no "there's so much to talk about still, let's meet again soon" or anything like that. Idk it just feels like a lot to ask of any two personalities to skip over all the hashing out and jump right into their play and banter. Anyway, I'm just venting. Changes nothing about my love for the comic and the art and the story.


This. They had time to chat about old memories but didn't talk about all the elephants in the room. Granted, that's something you can't just catch up on and talk through in the timespan of a sunrise. I understand that. But that they apparently didn't talk about anything or like you said, at least want to sit down and talk about it another time (at least from what we've seen) feels weird to me. Idk. Especially after all they've been through and learned. Especially especially after everything they learned lead them to understand the other's point back then better. ...still hanging on to that, lol x)


I actually quite agree with this. (Like all of it) while I'm one of the few that isn't too broken up by the fact they broke up, the break up itself seemed - too - smooth; nothing was touched on, no apologies no nothing... I dunno, I still, like the rest of you have mentioned love the comic, and maybe they spoke about it off screen (Even tho I'd have loved to bare witness to such conversation.) but eh..it is what it is at this point I guess XD. I will say I'm glad to see that Rhov has decided to potentially join Ronja and Roamer. That's a great update on his plans. I hope he sticks with that, and maybe just maybe Feaf will go with. (So I hope anyway lol )


Yeah, it is really fast. They left each other on a bad note and both grew afterwards, but Jahla definitely owed Rhov an apology because he did end up being right. She put too much faith in the Sky Gods having a plan and simply accepting everything that was happening because it happened to work all right for her. There's also the fact that so much has happened and even without having much time she could at least give him warnings about things that he would be concerned by - or even things that as a close family member she might want to tell him? Like how her fight with Rohgir was because of his methods of leadership of an entire TRIBE of Akiulfr (their existence isn't a secret so it's not like she has to not talk about them) and the fact that she and her brothers are no longer the only ones of their kind? She even mentions her other tribe members but doesn't point out that one is an Aki and the other is a hare familiar gifted to her by the Matriarch herself, who is her grandmother. Like... So much happened and even having a little "come back we need to talk about everything when you're done with the scroll collection" would have been nice?


I think this will be a conversation in the future, I think they were more so happy to see each other alive and well and wouldn't want to ruin it by a sour talk.