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Tora Collita

Chieftain and Seer. Interesting. Though, I see his pov clearly. Just handle it bad


Did the prairie cats that hunted at night in Kainain's old territory evolve to these Forngryms? because I'm getting hints from that


EEEY At least he's honest.


AAAAAA he has a point but damn 👀👀👀 he's really beautiful


Everyone here sayin that he got a point and ye, he do but at the same time.. What do THEY eat then? xD; [and for that matter, the bears and every other predator. Sure all creatures may be more intelligent than you may think but carnivores gotta eat ya'know?] Mayhaps this mindset is why, or at least part of why, a lot of these sabres are looking to be in such dire straits?


Nice recallon that detail. Even then, though, their kind was to be treated with respect. I remember it being said that the night belongs to them and they were left alone and seen as formidable predators. So i wonder how long ago they were hunted


Soooo guuuuuddd kiqu keep it up!


Kargo’s look when he asked about the bears is very nice. I think he is thinking about himself here, shows some good growth if that’s true


He needs a snickers, and a flirty ranach to show what they are all about now lol


I don't think he's saying he has a problem with them killing herbivores for food, he has a problem with the canines killing other carnivores for their pelts and things and just being racist towards them in general


I feel sorry for this guy, he has a point, but his anger seems consume him. It looks like something more than living by old history of ancestors, maybe he lost someone by dogs? I wonder now, why his kind and wolfes are treated like they were inferior, but for egzample Taiga Lions are treated equally by dogs. And Kargo's look when Ukraek mentions bears, I'm pretty sure he thinks about that bear whose he killed when he had his mental issues and he just took out his anger on him.


"you guys judged us, and-and *sniffles* called us savages, haven't you ever bothered to get to know us?!" "Well no, but we could try?" "Well it's too late, now I'm killing everyone!" "See.. you are savages."