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I'm so happy to see Kargo again. He was one of my favorites


A second chance at life, Kargo! Roamer will be thrilled to see you again!


Aww, i love Kargo so much


Rogio is being so brilliant and comforting to Kargo right now, even knowing that his return could threaten his relationship with Roamer.


Awesome job again! Happy turkey day everyone!


I’m so happy to see largo back! He was one of my favorite characters! I look forward to seeing him grow.


In reality second chances don't come by handy, looking forward to what Kargo will be upto in this run! Apart from his temper resulted from the past at Meteor, attack on the traders, it's the relationship with Roamer, Rogio and Ferah that interests me the most. I hope he will be up to something new, as we have seen him seems to accept and let go things before Ranach attacked.


I want the three of them to live happily ever together


I can’t wait to see Ferah’s reaction to seeing that Kargo is alive! Also Roamers reaction!


He's aware of the things he has done, he's not the type to bathe in glory and praise from others. He's not denying what he accomplished, but he is also not oblivious and thinks that erases the hurtful things he did as well.


really hope Kargo and roamer don't get back together... Would be very wholesome if the two become like brothers/family and care very much for eachother still.


Kargo definitely needs to focus on himself and not rushing into a relationship. He's in a weak annd vulnerable mind-set atm.... All he just needs are close friends/family(even if they're not blood related) to help support him while he's in a weak mind set.


Obviously. Rogio has beaten himself up for the things he has done long enough. But it's never enough for some