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Tora Collita

Glad about how Jahla also worded this. So happy about her. Still broken hearted of this page still


In my opinion Jahla looks actually more heartbroken than Romé (especially in panel 5). Wondering how honest she was with herself and her own feelings here...


Maybe it's time for a polyamory relationship 💛 that would be beautiful.


Oh no, poor girl 🥺


Oh thank goodness 🙌🏻🙌🏻


I like the confirmation here that Rome hasn't felt led on. Jahla was honest exactly how she needed to be. That she doesn't know how things stand with Rhov but she needs to find him first to figure it out before anything changes, or at least, that's the hope. Rome seems to accept that this is a hard situation. This is still a developing situation and everyone knows it, it's just more clear now. I think this should make everything smoother. Jahla can develop a friendship with Rome without worrying about misinterpreted signs, and Rome now is clear on why she may respond to him the way she does. Well done scene and so happy to see pages turn out so quickly!


AHHH my God damn heart!

Flann Moriath

They both handled this conversation so gracefully, and it shows that they both care about a future together, whatever that future may look like. Love how well they both handled this!


I'm glad its all out in the open now. To be fair though, Jahla (Like another reader pointed out) looks more broken hearted than Rome does. I think she worded this just fine though and wish her all the best.


Hmm... though I do love how maturely both of them handled this, that last panel tells me she wasn’t being completely honest with him; as much as I hate to say it, she obviously has feelings for him too. At least there wasn’t a “but...”, though there might as well have been. While I’m still looking forward for the long-awaited reunion of her and Rhov, I don’t think I’ll like the outcome of it, but we’ll see... though I feel like I can accurately predict a lot of what happens in this comic, I’ve also been surprised before. At any rate, at least they should both get the closure that they need, wherever their paths go from there. No matter my own feelings about their relationship, that’s all I can really ask for.


Yeah. Personally I hope her sad face means she's missing Rhov after bringing him up again. But like you said, we'll see


Good. I'm glad she's taking the high route with this situation. She's definitely got feelings for Rome now, but its important for her to find Rhov and talk to him about where they stand first before making any big moves.


I’ve been a Rhov x Jahla since Asmundr and I’ve not felt a bigger connection then with Jahla and Rome I feel these two are a good pairing the chemistry between these two are perfect and I’m kind of starting to switch to Rome and Jahla side I have really come to like Rome so much, I feel Jahlas sad face at the end is her sad that she wants to try with Rome but can’t till she finds Rhov and figures out what the two are.. they both looked back at one another in those two panels that definitely says something there... Fea and Rhov I can definitely see as a pair too they fit each other so well I love seeing those two together.


I don't really understand all the people saying "Rhov x Jahla are better!" etc or shes sad because shes thinking of Rhov etc. The couple seemed really tense to me and left on bad terms. Both seemed to have moved on from each other and chances are if they got back to each other it'd be more of a "Oh my god your alive!" in a friendway rather then a romantic way. Sure alot of the couples in this comic seemed to drift off but that's like.. 99% of the couples in today world happen. It's realistic and I like that part. Not every relationship is gonna be butterflies and rainbows and sure I'm on the edge of my seat for someone and then it doesn't work out but its what I like about this comic. The connection between Jahla and Rome is a real one and its quite alot stronger then Jahla and Rhov's ever been. So I hope the two get together because its clear both characters have moved on. Rhov's likely gonna end up with the feline since they seem to have feelings for each other and Jahla with Rome. These two clearly have feelings for each other and I think they'd make a wonderful couple.


I know I'll be in the minority here but I just want to say after seeing a lot of "Rome and Jahla are perfect", I want to say that many relationships are not that. A healthy relationship of course shouldn't be full of constant arguing or what not but occasional arguments, disagreements, different view points and so on do happen. You won't always see eye to eye with most people in life, even your loved one, you may have a rough night even where you are terribly frustrated with each other but that does not always mean things are doomed to end. A discussion could happen instead, feelings on why they are hurt, what caused the hurt, apologies, working on things, becoming stronger and better and learning can happen and coming out as an even better team. Will that be Rhov and Jahla? Maybe not, maybe so, but it just bums me out seeing the immediate "they have been disagreeing on a thing and are doomed" and "Jahla and Rome are perfect" kind of thing but that's just my two cents. I am proud of them both for talking non the less.


People are saying this because Rhov and Jahla have spent far more time together than she has with Rome. In Asmundr they spent months together as she searched for Niita to try and get help for her mother. Rhov was there for her through all of that and it's because of that and their feelings for each other that they got together. When given the chance to live with her brothers and Father, Jahla chose to stay with Rhov all the same. So to say that her connection to Rome, who up until now was just a nice stranger, is stronger than the one she's had with her committed partner of months/years, isn't something I and other people agree with. That's why we're hoping they remain friends I feel. And considering they've been together in the time between Asmundr and Home as well, well it'd be weird that she'd leave a relationship she's been in for months/years just cause this new guy who she's known for a few weeks was nice to her. Leaving a relationship that, for all we know, has been stable only up until now just because a kind stranger was kind doesn't sit well I imagine. It's a very rash decision to make. The reason their relationship in Home seems tense is because the situation itself is a tense one, being sent to a totally unfamiliar place and dealing with struggles they didn't have to deal with before would put anyone on edge. Couples can have huge arguments, have their moments to themselves to reflect, and come together just as loving again. That's my hope considering all the other relationship issues the rest of the cast have had. Yes, not all relationships are butterflies and rainbows, but as a reader having one pair after another having falling out can get kind of dry and depressing.


Well said! They aren't perfect cause no couple is, but since they've been together since Asmundr it's safe to assume this isn't the only argument they've had either. Couples argue, sometimes over things that seem like it'd be the end, but can totally come together again just fine and perhaps even stronger for it. To be honest, the argument the two had didn't even seem that severe to me, it's only been compounded because they were separated by things outside their control. Had they not have been separated I could see them sitting down and talking it out after a while. Rome seems really sweet and all but I can't fathom leaving my partner of months/years cause we argued over one thing for someone I've known for far less time just cause he seemed nice. And in the context of Aedra, you have to be even more careful of strangers, no matter how kindly they seem.


I'm really happy she said that they should remain friends. I was really scared there would be a "but" on this page. I at least hope once Jahla and Rhov meet again they spend some time together to see if that spark is still there or not because you never know if Jahla might be craving Rhov so much that she's seeing some of Rhov in Rome. I'm unsure if she has a crush on Rome or if she's gravitating to him because some parts of him remind her of her mate. There was a time I dated someone online and when they left for a while due to some serious business I started getting really close to another online friend. I thought that I and this friend was getting really close like...real close and I thought that maybe I was developing feelings for them. I later found out that they only reminded me of my online partner and made jokes and such just like they did so they were like a replacement until my partner came back. I felt guilty of thinking that way cause I really liked them as a friend but when I was away from my partner I was pretty lonely and starving for affection so when they were there they were basically feeding me what I was missing or at least half of it cause we never got romantically involved. I think that's what Jahla might be going through? She has a small attraction to him but it's not enough to make her spring into Rome's arms right then and there. She's still loyal to Rhov and wants to see if they can still have something between them But that last panel is either her feeling guilty of having some feelings for him or here being guilty of not making that clear much sooner which hurt him.


Personally I don’t like the idea of Feaf and Rhov in a relationship at all. They seem like really good friends, but I just don’t feel any actual chemistry between them... they just don’t strike me as fitting together, romantically/sexually, whatever you want to call it. Plus, a dog and a cat together...? I know it worked with Raimo and Zahira, but... I just don’t see it with Feaf and Rhov; especially since Rhov and Keirr had that brother relationship with Zilas, who Rhov has already said Feaf reminds him of... I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, and maybe my bias for Rhov x Jahla is coloring my judgment, but I just can’t picture Rhov and Feaf as anything more than close friends. And for what it’s worth, even though I don’t want Jahla to end up with Rome, I *do* admit that they have chemistry... I don’t feel that with Feaf and Rhov, though. Really good friends, yes. Romantic partners? No. Again, though, just my opinion. I understand and accept that you and others might feel differently. ^^