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Chapter finale coming up >.>

Music: "Skogsraah" page 643+ https://youtu.be/WoLXWhccVh4



Tora Collita

Sing sing! Also, panel 6, Romé is missing the triangle on the back of his neck ;)


It's sooooo hard not to ship them 😭 he's such a good wholesome boy


Man the tramp didn’t even have this much game lol


Sing, Jahla! Sing your accomplishments!

Flann Moriath

Small grammatical thing in panel 7 - it is a bit more natural to say “be proud OF your wolf song” :) I’m enjoying being along for the ride to see what happens with these two!


Would love for Jahla to tell that to all the regular Earth dogs that were dropped on Aedra and died immediately, like Alva’s sister and her pups. 😬 Still very sus that this is Rome putting moves on Jahla. I'm hoping there's something coming up addressing that there IS a boundary that won't be crossed between them and this isn't just going to romanticize cheating...


Or to the rest of her family for that matter. Like Zilas' parents. I was hoping to see more from her perspective after all this time but now I'm just frustrated that THIS is the take she's going for cause it's pretty bad of a take if you think about it. Imagine telling that to MT victims.


Love the top wink on Rome, that was cute. Jahla is still a blind follower. Not really seeing progress in her character. Meh.


The music fits so incredibly well, I'm definitely catching that vibe. After all the unexpected hate Jahla has encountered this is a good step for her.


Yeah, that threw her back for me a bit. I thought she was over that issue after she snapped at her brother and gaveThakir that speech about the meaning of life.


I think this page fits Jahla perfectly well. People don't just shake off belief systems, and she herself is so entwined with the sky gods, it's very understandable that she holds a greater attachment to them. Wanting to put meaning to your struggles is a really normal way of coping, and it doesn't have to be a slap in the face to all those who have suffered. She's finding strength in what she already has and holding on to hope that all this misery isn't for nothing. Not a setback on her character to me at all. Out of touch? Maybe a bit. But it's very fitting for her and I think this page is beautiful. I also just like the idea that Rome finally has someone good in his life that he can feel good about following, and a cause he feels good about being part of. Their relationship has a lovely story but it doesn't have to be romantic. Sometimes you can want to be something to someone and it not be a lover.


The heck does she mean they're being challenged? You aren't being challenged...this isn't some trial you have to go through to prove your worth. It feels like she's going back into that blind fate for Father. Father and the other sky gods literally abandoned you. Why didn't they put you all on another island like they did with the Aki's where no NB's are? Why didn't they know about the night beast? Why did they drop all the Earth dogs off instead of putting them all together and explaining things to them on why they're there and because of that the majority of them are dead? And why does it seem like Father and the others have abandoned Aedra for 30 years until the Aki's needed new home? I never trusted Father since day one when he placed so much responsibilities on Kainan to take care of Ranulfr instead of dealing with his own mistake himself. Father and the rest are cruel gods in my opinion. They may not have killed Zilas but their inactions led to his death, Alva sister and her puppies death, and so many other dogs death. I can't believe she just said "what if the pain we went through were punishments for not living up to our worth" If her "theory" is correct about the sky gods then uhhh yeah, they're cruel and uncaring guys. We're far from saying they're not perfect, these aliens are straight up heartless.


Guys..shes just speculating. She is allowed to wonder.


It's still disappointing to see her going back to this blind faith in the gods line of thinking after her character arc was set up to be more critical of them.


Just wanna say that this is an interesting reaction I got from this page. What Jahla is expressing here is a common thought and question among us humans as well. When something terrible happens to a person who believes, they may ask why God is so cruel, this is the same question Jahla asks herself and she's only trying to put an explanation to it. Throughout history, it's often been written that the events that shifted humanity, was by the hand of the gods, and it's been explained with various theories. Like the flood was a punishment to humanity for angering the gods with their recklessness. These are big questions and it's only easier to put blame on Jahla because we know in this story that the gods actually are real beings. It's easier to get frustrated at her for thinking this way, when in reality this happens in real life too, we are just kinder to each other because we can't prove if these stories are real or not. We respect each other's believes. Something to keep in mind when discussing.