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Tora Collita

Happy happy Jahla! Love seeing her happy! <3


Okay it seems like now Jahla is deliberately not mentioning that she has a partner. I sense another argument about miscommunication with Rome thinking they’ve been courting this whole time. Or Jahla is straight-up about to be unfaithful...


Aww I was hoping we'd get to see what Fraujar has to say before switching back to Jahla. Oh well, seeing her happy is worth waiting

Jacqui Ball

Hhhmmm Yes they are very close and "smooth" to each other aren't they? But also the same with Rhov and Feaf. Wonder what will become of both friendships? Thinking back to the beginning of Rhovs and Jahlas relationship though, that always felt awkward to me. Rome and Jahla have fallen together a lot easier , even Feaf and Rhov to a certain degree. Thoughts?


Sadly to say I'm kind of tired of seeing these two, not to mention she didn't mention rhov. And why do they have to be so close...I hope this gets wrapped up soon. Cause ima lose my mind


It's kind of interesting that no one has been confused by Roamer having a male partner, even though they all take explicit note of it. Did all the Asmundrs suspect he was gay from the beginning? XD (Note that this is just an observation, not a nitpick.)


As much as I love the chemistry between these two, I’m kinda...concerned about what’s going to happen next. I’m just one of those people who’s hoping for closure...but I won’t hold my breath


Kinda sad that it "was" not "is". They were so in love, Rhov and Jahla. Rome is also rude pushing into her personal space just like Keirr pushed into Raun's.


If keirr heard that he'd say it was the other way around lol

Rose Sea

I get sizzling chemistry with the fun new guy who has rugged good looks. But.... Rhov 🥺😢 just a conversation, mention of him or even a decision to move on or somethiiiiing. I think he deserves that since they are/were mates


For people saying that Rhov didn't admit to having a mate, sure he didn't, but he did admit to it later on to FEAF that he had a mate. Although Jahla has not once mentioned to her new male friends not once that she has a mate. So take that in for a second.


i'm gonna say it: polycule with rhov, jahla, feaf, and rome! Just kidding...unless? O.O that way everyone can be happy lol. In all seriousness, I personally like the chemistry between rome/jahla and rhov/feaf than i do rhov/jahla. But I will be content regardless. It's just exciting and fun to try and guess who will wind up with whom (if anybody).


Rhov is not high on my list of favorite characters. I have mentioned it a few other times in comments on different pages. But!! I don't downright dislike him. I like the interactions between Feaf and Rhov. As someone mentioned above, Feaf is more patient and doesn't mind stepping on Rhov's toes for him to come down off his high horse and not be so cocky about everything. I instantly fell in love with Romé and I like the dynamic between these two. I don't see anything wrong with experiencing new things. I get where people are saying that Jahla needs to AT LEAST mention she has a partner...but I just don't see it as either party being unfaithful to each other. They are growing; being seperated from each other has given them different aspects on how to look at things. Jahla was die-hard "Father Almighty" at the beginning of the comic and that's the whole reason they got seperated...because of Rhov's lack of faith in Father. She now has a deeper level of respect for Him...but can also not blow up at others who question His sovereignty (in her eyes) Rhovanion is definitely more humble. He doesn't see himself as the greatest gift given to the planet anymore (he still is confident, though it doesn't air on the side of arrogance anymore.) I'm just here for the ride...I truly enjoy reading a comic that doesn't follow exactly how I may have wanted it. Did I want (SPOILERS!) Kargo to die? No, not at all... I truly loved this character. But, this heartbreak kept me on the edge of my seat. Its a great read. I really didn't care for Ronja in Asmundr or even in the beginning of Home...but she, too has grown. Amazing comic. Great story-telling. What ab honor it was for me to find Kique. Thank you.


Rhov was meant to be a dynamic of sorts to Jahla's blind devotion to Father. He is a good reflection to her character. They argued that Father wasn't transparent with the Asmundr tribe at all. Rhov in this case would have been a great addition to Jahla's character as a learned individual. He could have learned that hope in Father is important to the dogs and Jahla would have understood that Father is not a without his faults. Their dynamic right now would have benefited a whole lot. We didn't get it, unfortunately. Rome is just as cocky as Rhov was so it feels like Rhov 2.0 to me. Plus, Rome is too recent of a character for me to care about either. Rome doesn't challenge Jahla he is just there as a crutch to the Father ideal that Jahla carried. No relationship dynamic.


....I do enjoy reading other's interpretations! :) I don't know about you, but seeing other people's views just seems to either a) question how I personally feel about something or b) solidify my views.


It's funny... I don't see Romé having the same level of "confidence" as Rhov. His doesn't seem to rub me the wrong way like Rhov's does. Could be where, like you had mentioned earlier, he is a newer character. I like the new faces. The Asmundr pack will always hold a special place in my heart as the first pack I got to know by reading the comic....but there is something so exciting (for me anyways lol) about meeting new people (or on this case...characters.)


Aah typo and it won't update, so here we go again. True, but on the other hand, most people who have a significant other does not shout it over the rooftops everytime they meet a new person of the same gender as their lover. The lack of mention of Rhov could also be due to trust. It gives a certain peace of mind knowing you have a someone to return to even if you're fighting. She could be thinking about him off panel - if she has time to with all these shocking events being dumped in her lap every few seconds.


For sure! Most folks interpret as they like! I guess for me a new face would make more context if Rome was showed doing some mundane tasks like healing with herbs or messing up on a new plant. That kind of thing. Thus far he is just a new face. =]

Sunny Daze

That first panel, just wow, I’d really like to sit there. 🥰 it’s so beautiful.


It is really starting to get to me, I get the suspense and twists and turns. And I know it's been said in previous comments of her not mentioning him at all, but it feels very blatant at this point. And as lovely as this scene is I can't romanticize it as it is basically romanticizing cheating. There has been zero closure, just one little argument which is nothing crazy and it doesn't sit right with me at least. This is just a long winded ramble of my opinion though.


I mean, I know Rome has flirted with her, but she hasn't reciprocated in any way that isn't "Ah, I see what you're doing. Nice try, but no." I think at this point, she's just glad to have someone who admires her and doesn't think she's crazy or a dangerous killer. Rome is the ally she needed when she needed it most, and with her family scattered to the wind, what did you expect? She still yearns for Rhov, that much is VERY clear in how she asked about him when she spoke to Ronja. I wonder if she's thinking of being a mom herself and missing Rhov. Jahla is also very unapproachable about her own thoughts and feelings, so she may think being wistful about pups or sentimental about how much things have changed, not just for her, but for all the people she cares about, as a dumb sidetrack. I think Rome recognizes that her heart lies elsewhere and while it's clear he has feelings for her, whether they're platonic or not has not been defined. It's too early for this brand of cynicism. If they DO air this out in the open, and she DOES reciprocate his feelings in that discussion, then by all means get out your pitchforks and torches. I'll even join you. Cheating should not ever be romanticized. So far, however, I don't see anything more in this other than Rome simping hard for a woman who could tear his head off. And I mean, some men are like that. Maybe he just has a "please for the love of gods, step on me." kink... But he isn't seriously persuing her since she turned him down. (I'm kind of joking, but now I want Simp Rome as an end of the year meme.) BUT! Point is, it's not a mutual feeling, or at least she hasn't outwardly shown that she thinks of him as more than just a very welcome ally and friend.


I just realized that Jahla and Roamer are cousins, so her being chuffed that Roamer is gay is kinda sweet. :3


I cant say that I'm tired of these two like others, its a sweet page and they have a sweet chemistry but I think they've already had way too much time on this chapter. If i remember correctly this one is focusing on the characters displayed on the patreon cover image, theres been a big chunk about everyone BUT Ferah and would actually like to see more of what she's doing or how she's doing rather than just a few pages of her landing in Kierrs place and a one page talk with Aira, Who's another one I'd personally like to see more.


We are getting to the chapter finale, so that's why we are checking in with them one last time. Ferah did get less spotlight than I had planned, due to the scenes from Tinget and others taking up more page space than I expected, so had to kind of split the chapter into two parts.